UT Dallas 2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Prefixes by School

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology

Course PrefixPrefix Name
AHST Art History
AHTC Arts, Humanities, and Technology
ANGM Animation and Games
ARAB Arabic
ARHM Arts and Humanities
ATCM Arts Technology Communication and Media
CHIN Chinese
COMM Communication Studies
CRWT Creative Writing
DANC Dance
FILM Film Studies
FREN French
GERM German
HIND Hindu
HIST History
HUMA Humanities
ISAE Interdisciplinary Studies-Arts Technology and Emerging Communication
ISAH Interdisciplinary Studies-Arts and Humanities
JAPN Japanese
KORE Korean
LANG Language
LATS Latin American Studies
LIT Literature
MUSI Music
PHIL Philosophy
PORT Portuguese
RELS Religious Studies
RHET Rhetoric
SGNL American Sign Language
SPAN Spanish
THEA Theatre
VIET Vietnamese
VPAS Visual and Performing Arts

School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Course PrefixPrefix Name
BBSU Behavioral and Brain Sciences Undergraduate
CGS Cognitive Science
CLDP Child Learning and Development
NSC Neuroscience
PSY Psychology
SPAU Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science

Course PrefixPrefix Name
BMEN Biomedical Engineering
CE Computer Engineering
CS Computer Science
ECS Engineering and Computer Science
ECSC Engineering and Computer Science COOP
EE Electrical Engineering
ENGR Engineering
EPCS Engineering Projects in Community Service
ISEC Interdisciplinary Studies-EE and CS
MECH Mechanical Engineering
MSEN Materials Sciences and Engineering
SE Software Engineering

School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences

Course PrefixPrefix Name
CRIM Criminology
ECON Economics
ENVR Environmental Sciences
EPPS Economic, Political and Policy Sciences
GEOG Geography
GISC Geospatial Information Sciences
GOVT Government and Politics
IPEC International Political Economy
PA Public Affairs Management
PPOL Public Policy
PSCI Political Science
SOC Sociology

School of Interdisciplinary Studies

Course PrefixPrefix Name
AMS American Studies
BIS Interdisciplinary Studies
ED Education
GST Gender Studies
HLTH Health Care Studies
ISIS Interdisciplinary Studies
PHIN Physical Instruction

Naveen Jindal School of Management

Course PrefixPrefix Name
ACCT Accounting
BA Business Administration
BCOM Business Communication
BLAW Business Law
BPS Business Policy and Strategy
BUAN Business Analytics
ENGY Energy Management
ENTP Innovation and Entrepreneurship
FIN Finance
HMGT Healthcare Management
IMS International Management Studies
ITSS Information Technology and Systems
MECO Managerial Economics
MKT Marketing Management
OBHR Organizational Behavior/Human Resources
OPRE Operations Research
REAL Real Estate
RMIS Risk Management and Insurance

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Course PrefixPrefix Name
ACTS Actuarial Science
BIOL Biology
BIMS Biomedical Sciences
CHEM Chemistry
GEOS Geosciences
ISNS Interdisciplinary Studies-Natural Science and Mathematics
MATH Mathematical Science
NATS Natural Sciences
PHYS Physics
STAT Statistics

Honors College

Course PrefixPrefix Name
HONS Honors College

Undergraduate Studies

Course PrefixPrefix Name
MILS Military Science
UNIV University Course