GEOS 1103 (GEOL 1103) Physical Geology Laboratory (1 semester credit hour) A laboratory to accompany GEOS 1303. The exercises include mineral and rock identification. Topographic maps, geologic maps, and aerial photographs are used to study surface landforms, geologic phenomena and tectonic processes.Lab fee of $30 required. Prerequisite or Corequisite: GEOS 1303. (0-3) S
GEOS 1104 (GEOL 1104) History of Earth and Life Laboratory (1 semester credit hour) A laboratory to accompany GEOS 1304. Exercises include fossil identification, stratigraphy, and correlation, the geologic time scale, age-determination techniques, and maps. Lab fee of $30 required. Prerequisite or Corequisite: GEOS 1304. (0-3) Y
GEOS 1303 (GEOL 1303) Physical Geology (3 semester credit hours) Introduction to Earth as a unique planet. Rock-forming minerals and rock-forming processes are discussed. The structure of the Earth, in the context of rock types, and dynamics of its internal mechanisms are explored. Plate tectonics and surface processes that sculpt the Earth are the topics of the second half of the course. Other planets and celestial bodies within the solar system are contrasted with Earth. (3-0) S
GEOS 1304 (GEOL 1304) History of Earth and Life (3 semester credit hours) Introduction to the history of the Earth. The history of life and an introduction to the principles of paleontology, stratigraphy and global change will be discussed. All topics will be discussed in the context of the tectonic evolution of North America. Field trip. Prerequisites: GEOS 1303 and GEOS 1103. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2121 GRELA Seminar (1 semester credit hour) Guided exploration of the topics presented in GEOS 2321 Geology, Resources, and Environment of Latin America in small, in-person groups. Grade is based on attendance and participation. Prerequisite or Corequisite: GEOS 2321. (1-0) Y
GEOS 2302 (GEOL 1305) The Global Environment (3 semester credit hours) An introduction to the physical aspects of the world's geography emphasizing the interrelationships between the earth and its climate, vegetations, soils, and landforms. Provides a global perspective on the physical environment and the interactions between global systems to produce regional differences. (Same as ENVR 2302 and GEOG 2302) (3-0) Y
GEOS 2304 The 21st Century Energy Transition (3 semester credit hours) This course acquaints students with where we get our energy, how we use it, and how the energy mix is changing with new technologies. We will explore why modern civilization requires increasing amounts of affordable and clean energy, why we want to transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy, and what are the key climate concerns. This is a multidisciplinary course that centers around how Earth scientists study climate and energy and how understanding fossil fuels and critical minerals exploration will help guide the energy transition. Upon completion of this course, students will have essential knowledge as well as data-driven approaches and critical thinking skills that will help them make informed decisions about our sustainable energy future. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2305 Spatial Thinking and Data Analytics (3 semester credit hours) This course explores the role that Spatial Thinking plays across a variety of subject areas in science, engineering, mathematics, arts and humanities. We will introduce rich resources of geospatial data from government agencies, social media, and semantic web. Students will be exposed to introductory methods in Spatial Data Analytics afforded by Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Remote Sensing (RS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Spatial Analysis, and Mapping technologies and learn how to bring spatial considerations into research and applications. The course is intended to empower students with spatial intelligence (one of the nine intelligences on Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences) and with experiences of applying spatial thinking and data analytics to problem solving. (Same as EPPS 2305 or GISC 2305) (3-0) Y
GEOS 2306 Essentials of Field Geologic Methods (3 semester credit hours) Provides a theoretical and applied introduction to fundamental methods of field geologic investigations. The course consists of weekly lectures, laboratory assignments (field and classroom-based), and a mandatory weekend field trip that exposes students to a variety of topics ranging from topographic maps, geologic structures, geologic map construction and interpretation, and remote sensing techniques used in the geosciences. Students will learn to collect and record geologic data using common field tools and techniques and incorporate geologic data collected in the field to produce geologic maps and cross-sections. A field trip fee of $100 is required to cover the cost of transportation and camping fees associated with the field trip. Recommended Prerequisite or Corequisite: GEOS 2409. Prerequisites: GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1303. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2307 Digital Earth (3 semester credit hours) This course will introduce you to the topics and concepts in digital earth and geospatial technologies that are becoming increasingly important tools in research, policy, and everyday life. The topics will cover digital earth and geospatial data sources (ex., GPS, citizen science, satellite imagery, government agencies, social media, and semantic web), methods and applications (ex., disaster relief, biodiversity conservation, disease spread), and implications (ex., privacy, ethical, legal issues). Students will gain experience compiling/collecting and analyzing analog, digital, and geospatial data as a mechanism to understand and research our physical and social world. Spatial problem-solving will be emphasized and analyses will address real-world issues in which geospatial technologies have played an important role. Finally, cartographic methods and tools to create maps that can be used to communicate data, ideas, and concepts to officials and policy makers will also be discussed. (Same as EPPS 2307 and GISC 2307 ) (3-0) Y
GEOS 2309 Principles of Geospatial Information Sciences (3 semester credit hours) An introduction to the primary Geospatial Information Sciences (GIS) methods for manipulating, querying, analyzing, and visualizing spatial-based data. Topics include spatial data models, data acquisition and editing, cartography, and spatial analysis. This course is designed to provide a foundation for all other upper level GISC courses. (Same as GEOG 2309 and GISC 2309) (3-0) Y
GEOS 2310 Environmental Geology (3 semester credit hours) A course examining the interactions of people and our physical environment. Natural hazards, including landslides, flooding, tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, erosion, and sea-level change. Air, soil, fresh and ocean water pollution problems and solutions including greenhouse gases, ozone depletion, acid rain, aquifer depletion, toxic wastes, and contamination. Energy supplies and the environment, including radioactive waste problems, and human impacts on climate. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2312 Soils in a Sustainable Environment (3 semester credit hours) This course will explore the roles of soils in a sustainable environment as it relates to terrestrial life in the Earth's critical zone. The physical, chemical, and biologic aspects of soils in relation to the origins, classification, and physical properties of soils. Soils and their interactions with the biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. Stewardship of soils as an essential, irreplaceable natural resource. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2321 Geology, Resources, and Environment of Latin America (3 semester credit hours) An overview of the physical environment of Mexico, Central America, and South America. Topics include the evolution of Latin American crust and continent; location and formation of major geologic resources and physiographic features; resource exploitation and present environmental problems with a historic perspective. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2324 Energy, the Environment and Human Health (3 semester credit hours) This course will focus on the environmental and human health impacts of geologic materials and geologic processes with particular emphasis on fossil fuels. A balanced, fact-based discussion will be provided on both positive and negative effects of various energy sources on the natural environment and human health. Old and new myths about the environmental and health consequences of fossil fuels, especially coal, will be debunked. The course will cultivate an awareness of both the positive and negative aspects of energy production and use and enable informed decision making with respect to societal issues associated with energy and mineral resources. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2340 Comets Love Meteorites (3 semester credit hours) Meteorites are rocks from other bodies in the Solar System, mostly from the Asteroid Belt but also from Mars and the Moon. Some meteorites preserve the earliest record of the material from which the Solar System formed while others reveal how this early material differentiated to form the core, mantle, and crust. This course introduces students to the study of meteorites, meteorite impact craters, and the Asteroid Belt. Students will be allowed to examine meteorites themselves. A field trip fee of $50 will be assessed. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2351 Mathematics in the Earth Sciences (3 semester credit hours) Introduction to applied mathematics for Earth sciences, including basics of linear algebra, statistics, and uncertainty analysis. Fourier transforms, probability, and partial differential equations governing fundamental geoscience principles will also be covered. Applications in Earth science will be emphasized throughout the course. Prerequisites: (MATH 2413 or MATH 2417) and (MATH 2414 or MATH 2419) and GEOS 1303. (3-0) Y
GEOS 2409 Rocks and Minerals (4 semester credit hours) Introduction to crystallography, mineralogy, and petrography. Laboratory course. Lab fee of $30 required. Prerequisites or Corequisites: GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1303. (3-3) Y
GEOS 2V08 Special Topics in Geology or Geophysics I (1-4 semester credit hours) Subject matter will vary from semester to semester. Instructor consent required. May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-4]-0) R
GEOS 3000 Field Geology I (Summer Field Camp I) (0 semester credit hours) A three-week, early summer field based course designed to provide practical introductory field geological experience. Course emphasizes mapping in sedimentary and igneous terrains and will also cover techniques for mapping geomorphic features. Reports on each project in professional form are required. NOTE: Students should register for GEOS 3300 in the following semester. A field trip fee, which covers the cost of food, lodging, and transportation, is charged for the related course, GEOS 3300. Students are responsible for any other personal expenses related to camp. Prerequisites: GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1104 and GEOS 1303 and GEOS 1304 and GEOS 2306. (0-3) Y
GEOS 3111 Geologic Sketching (1 semester credit hour) Natural science in general, and geoscience in particular, depends largely on the ability to convey information and interpretation visually, beginning with a sketch. This class is intended to improve student ability to see, interpret, and sketch a wide range of geologic features such as rocks, outcrops, and landscapes by weekly sketching exercises. (1-0) Y
GEOS 3300 Field Geology I (Summer Field Camp I) (3 semester credit hours) A three-week, early summer field based course designed to provide practical introductory field geological experience. Course emphasizes mapping in sedimentary and igneous terrains and will also cover techniques for mapping geomorphic features. Reports on each project in professional form are required. NOTE: A $1000 field trip fee, which covers the cost of food, lodging, and transportation, is charged for this course. Students are responsible for any other personal expenses related to camp. Prerequisites: GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1104 and GEOS 1303 and GEOS 1304 and GEOS 2306. (0-3) Y
GEOS 3310 Environmental Geophysics (3 semester credit hours) A course exploring the use of geophysical methods to solve environmental problems. Geophysical techniques covered include seismic, ground penetrating radar, electrical methods, and well logs. Course includes a hands-on component with survey design, data collection, and data processing. Environmental applications such as hazard assessment, groundwater monitoring, mapping subsurface contaminants, and locating anthropogenic objects are covered. Recommended Prerequisites: GEOS 1303 and (MATH 2414 or 2419). Prerequisites: (MATH 2413 or 2417) and PHYS 2325. (3-0) Y
GEOS 3421 Stratigraphy and Sedimentology (4 semester credit hours) Principles and evolution of modern stratigraphic nomenclature; concepts of space and time in the rock record and methods of stratigraphic correlation; factors controlling stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary basins; integrated stratigraphic techniques. Origin, transportation, and deposition of carbonate and siliciclastic sediments; weathering, textural analysis, and depositional environments. Laboratory course. Field trips. Prerequisites: GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1104 and GEOS 1303 and GEOS 1304. (3-3) Y
GEOS 3434 Paleobiology (4 semester credit hours) History of life as documented by the fossil record. Basic concepts of paleontology and biostratigraphy followed by a review of major fossil groups and major events in the evolution of life, speciation, mass extinction, evolution of communities and ecosystems through geologic time. Paleontological methods to paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Field trip. Lab fee of $30 required. Prerequisites: GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1104 and GEOS 1303 and GEOS 1304. (3-3) Y
GEOS 3464 Earth Materials (4 semester credit hours) Introduction to the petrographic microscope and its use for study of igneous and metamorphic minerals and rocks. Identification and classification of volcanic and plutonic igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks and their identification in thin sections. Introduction to major element chemical analyses of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Introduction to igneous and metamorphic petrogenesis. Field trip fee of $100 required. Prerequisites: CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1112 and CHEM 1311 and CHEM 1312 and GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1104 and GEOS 1303. (3-3) Y
GEOS 3470 Structural Geology (4 semester credit hours) Modern tectonic concepts, survey of major structural provinces, examination of material behavior, stress-strain concepts, failure criteria, soil mechanics, fault analysis, rheology, fold analysis and applications of structural concepts to neotectonics and environmental problems. Training in graphical techniques, use of stereographic projections, and geological map interpretation. Integrated lecture and laboratory course. Field trip fee of $100 required. Prerequisites: GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1104 and GEOS 1303 and GEOS 1304 and PHYS 2125 and PHYS 2325. (3-3) Y
GEOS 3475 Geochemistry (4 semester credit hours) Provides a comprehensive introduction to inorganic geochemistry in the earth sciences. Topics covered will include major and trace element geochemistry of natural waters and solids, stable isotopes, chemical weathering and geochemical cycles, and radioactivity and the dating of geological materials. Students will engage with geochemistry applications in hydrogeology, economic geology, environmental hazards, climate science, and energy. Lab fee of $100 required. Prerequisites: CHEM 1311 and GEOS 1303 and GEOS 3421 and GEOS 3464. (3-3) Y
GEOS 4000 Field Geology II (Summer Field Camp II) (0 semester credit hours) A three-week, early summer field based course designed to provide practical advanced field geological experience. Course emphasizes mapping in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous terranes and will also cover techniques used in imaging and analyzing geomorphic features. Reports on each project in professional form are required. NOTE: Students should register for GEOS 4300 in the following semester. A field trip fee, which covers the cost of food, lodging, and transportation, is charged for the related course, GEOS 4300. Students are responsible for all personal expenses related to camp. Prerequisites: GEOS 3300 and GEOS 3421 and GEOS 3464 and GEOS 3470. (0-3) Y
GEOS 4300 Field Geology II (Summer Field Camp II) (3 semester credit hours) A three-week, early summer field based course designed to provide practical advanced field geological experience. Course emphasizes mapping in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous terranes and will also cover techniques used in imaging and analyzing geomorphic features. Reports on each project in professional form are required. NOTE: A $1000 field trip fee, which covers the cost of food, lodging, and transportation, is charged for this course. Students are responsible for all personal expenses related to camp. Prerequisites: GEOS 3421 and (GEOS 3470 or instructor consent). (0-3) Y
GEOS 4320 The Physics of the Solid Earth (3 semester credit hours) This course covers a wide spectrum of topics in geophysics, which allow us to explore the structure and evolution of the Earth. Plate tectonics is introduced as a framework for discussing crust and mantle dynamics. The fundamentals of gravity, thermal processes, seismology, and the mechanical behavior of rocks are introduced in this course. In addition, a variety of tectonic settings such as subduction zones, the lithosphere, and asthenosphere as well as oceanic and continental crusts, are explored in detail by analyzing their geophysical characteristics and geological significance. Prerequisites: (MATH 2413 or MATH 2417) and PHYS 2325. (3-0) Y
GEOS 4322 The Earth System (3 semester credit hours) Planet Earth comprises a system of interacting spheres: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere, all of which have played an important role in Earth processes and Earth history. This course examines these Earth systems and how their interactions over time have affected their evolving compositions, the evolution of life and Earth's climate. The short-term and long-term parts of the carbon cycle provide the underlying theme for the study of the Earth System. Prerequisites: CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1112 and CHEM 1311 and CHEM 1312 and GEOS 1104 and GEOS 1303 and GEOS 1304. (3-0) Y
GEOS 4325 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3 semester credit hours) Topics include principles of remote sensing and sensors, image visualization and statistics, radiometric and geometric correction, enhancement, classification, change detection, and innovative image processing approaches. (Same as GISC 4325) (3-0) Y
GEOS 4369 Volcanic Successions (3 semester credit hours) Terrestrial volcanism is considered from the perspective of volcanic processes, and the properties, products and deposits of volcanic eruptions, all in the context of definable facies models. The effects of subsequent sedimentological processes are also considered. Volcanic settings are explored in detail as they are related to their plate tectonic settings. Recognition of volcanically derived deposits are emphasized using the facies model concepts, and are considered with respect to their geological and economic significance. (3-0) T
GEOS 4390 Communication in Earth Sciences (3 semester credit hours) For all Geoscience students. All forms of scientific review and communication in Earth Sciences are emphasized, including technical proposals and reports, conference abstracts, journal papers and articles, and oral and poster presentations. Satisfies the Advanced Writing Requirement for Geoscience majors. Prerequisite: Senior level standing in Geosciences or instructor consent required. (3-0) Y
GEOS 4391 Geoscience Animations and Video (3 semester credit hours) Geoscientific concepts are supremely amenable to being taught with animations, particularly as compared with other sciences. In this class, students will learn how to generate simple videos and animations of geoscientific processes. The course grade is based on 5 projects, spaced throughout the semester (research paper, storyboard, narration, video, and animation). All 5 projects are related to developing a hybrid video/animation presentation of approximately 3 minute length. The presentation will explain some geologic process. Instructor consent required. (3-0) Y
GEOS 4395 Remote Sensing Geophysics (3 semester credit hours) This course covers both the theory and application of remote sensing in the field of geophysics from space-borne or air-borne platforms. The course places a strong focus on the latest and ongoing NASA/ESA Earth observation missions, such as GNSS, Grace (gravity), Sentinel-1(synthetic aperture radar), SWOT (altimetry), among others. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the observation process, including orbital mechanics, signal propagation, and uncertainty analysis. Applications of satellite geophysical observations in tectonics, geodynamics, ocean and ice surface monitoring, hydrology, and terrain modeling will be introduced through student projects and presentations. Recommended prerequisite: PHYS 2326. Prerequisite: PHYS 2325 or instructor consent. (3-0) Y
GEOS 4399 Senior Honors in Geosciences (3 semester credit hours) For students conducting independent research for honors theses or projects. Satisfies the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics' advanced writing requirement. Instructor consent required. (3-0) R
GEOS 4430 Hydrogeology and Aqueous Geochemistry (4 semester credit hours) An introduction to the principles of physical and chemical hydrogeology. Physical topics include the nature and quantification of the components of the hydrologic cycle, fundamentals of water supply and quality, overview of aquifer testing and environmental assessment. Chemical topics include behavior of low-temperature aqueous solutions, water-rock interaction and applications of chemistry to understand the Earth and its geochemical cycles. Prerequisites: CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1112 and CHEM 1311 and CHEM 1312 and GEOS 1103 and GEOS 1104 and GEOS 1303 and GEOS 1304. (4-0) Y
GEOS 4V08 Special Topics in Geology or Geophysics II (1-4 semester credit hours) Subject matter will vary from semester to semester. Instructor consent required. May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-4]-0) R
GEOS 4V09 Senior Research in Geology (1-6 semester credit hours) Topics may vary. No more than 3 semester credit hours of senior research may be used to satisfy the upper-division course work requirement in the major unless approved in advance by the undergraduate advisor. May be repeated for credit. Instructor consent required. ([1-6]-0) S
GEOS 4V80 Senior Research in Geophysics (1-6 semester credit hours) Topics may vary. No more than 3 semester credit hours of senior research may be used to satisfy the upper-division course work requirement in the major unless approved in advance by the undergraduate advisor. May be repeated for credit. Instructor consent required. ([1-6]-0) S