Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology
Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication (BA) with Emerging Media Arts Concentration
This Concentration offers students coursework in digital arts areas such as digital fabrication, projection mapping, new media art and performance, sound, time-based media, and video. EMA Concentration students will have the opportunity to engage in studio art practices with emerging media and technology. The EMA Concentration centers on building a portfolio of studio-based artwork as part of the ongoing social role that art plays in reimagining and projecting the human condition. By selecting courses from a variety of School elective headings, students are able to synthesize other areas of interest into their focus on Emerging Media Arts.
Unless otherwise noted, courses in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication are open to all students in the University. However, students majoring in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication may be given preference in certain course enrollments.
Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication with Emerging Media Arts Concentration
Degree Requirements (120 semester credit hours)
View an Example of Degree Requirements by Semester
Professor: Roger Malina
Associate-Professor: Andrew Scott
Assistant-Professor: Kevin Sweet
Associate-Professors-of-Instruction: Mark McKinney , Christina Nielsen , Harold (Chip) Wood
Assistant-Professors-of-Instruction: Sharon Hewitt , Elizabeth (Liz) Trosper
Professor-of-Practice: Norman Cox
Assistant-Professor-of-Practice: David Marks
UT Dallas Affiliated Faculty: Danielle Avram , Anne Balsamo , Diane Durant , Eric Farrar , Laura Hyunjhee Kim , Moon J. Kim , John J. Pomara , SV Randall , Lorraine Tady , Marilyn Waligore
I. Core Curriculum Requirements: 42 semester credit hours1
Communication: 6 semester credit hours
Select any 6 semester credit hours from Communication Core courses
Mathematics: 3 semester credit hours
Select any 3 semester credit hours from Mathematics Core courses
Life and Physical Sciences: 6 semester credit hours
Select any 6 semester credit hours from Life and Physical Sciences Core courses
Language, Philosophy and Culture: 3 semester credit hours
Select any 3 semester credit hours from Language, Philosophy and Culture Core courses
Creative Arts: 3 semester credit hours
Select any 3 semester credit hours from Creative Arts Core courses
American History: 6 semester credit hours
Select any 3 semester credit hours from American History Core courses
Government/Political Science: 6 semester credit hours
Select any 6 semester credit hours from Government/Political Science Core courses (see advisor)
Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3 semester credit hours
Select any 3 semester credit hours from Social and Behavioral Sciences Core courses
Component Area Option: 6 semester credit hours
Select any 6 semester credit hours from Component Area Option Core courses
II. Major Requirements, Lower-Division: 24 semester credit hours
ATCM 2300 Introduction to TechnoCulture
ATCM 2301 Digital Art and Design Foundations
ATCM 2302 Design I
Choose one course from the following:
ATCM 2324 Code Plus Culture
ATCM 2335 Internet Studio I
ATCM 3335 Internet Studio II
ANGM 2305 Programming for Digital Arts
Choose two courses from the following:
ATCM 2340 Visual Communication
ANGM 2345 Introduction to Audio Production
ATCM 2350 Time-Based Media
ATCM 2355 Survey of Digital Fabrication
Choose one course from the following:
ATCM 2322 Media Histories
ATCM 2343 Emerging Media Art Histories
ATCM 3301 Writing for ATEC
ATCM 4384 Ethics in New Media, Technology, and Communication
Choose three courses from the following:
ATCM 3345 Audio Technologies
ANGM 3346 Audio Productions Lab I
ATCM 3350 Digital Video Production I
ATCM 3355 Computer Modeling for Digital Fabrication
ATCM 3356 Projection Mapping Lab
ATCM 3357 Digital Fabrication Lab I
Choose two courses from the following:
ATCM 4330 Culture Jamming
ANGM 4346 Audio Productions Lab II
ATCM 4350 Digital Video Production II
ATCM 4351 New Media Performance
ATCM 4357 Digital Fabrication Lab II
Choose one from the following:
ATCM 4397 Senior Seminar
ATCM 4398 Capstone Project
ATCM 4399 Senior Honors in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication
IV. Elective Requirements: 30 semester credit hours
Prescribed Electives: 15 semester credit hours
At least two prescribed electives must be at the 4000-level.
ANGM 3305 Computer Animation I2
ANGM 3306 Modeling and Texturing I2
ANGM 3315 Animation Studies
ATCM 3320 Critical Media Theories
ATCM 3331 Critical Making
ATCM 3336 Design Research Methods
ANGM 3338 Motion Design I
ANGM 3346 Audio Productions Lab I
ATCM 3350 Digital Video Production I
ATCM 3355 Computer Modeling for Digital Fabrication
ATCM 3356 Projection Mapping Lab
ATCM 3357 Digital Fabrication Lab I
ANGM 3310 Introduction to Proceduralism
ANGM 3366 Game Studies I
ANGM 3370 Virtual Environments I2
ANGM 3372 Sound Design for Games
ATCM 4326 Mediated Textuality
ATCM 4330 Culture Jamming
ANGM 4313 Digital Effects
ANGM 4338 Motion Design II
ANGM 4339 Motion Design Lab
ATCM 4345 Digital Audio Processing
ATCM 4350 Digital Video Production II
ATCM 4351 New Media Performance
ATCM 4357 Digital Fabrication Lab II
ATCM 4363 Topics in Emerging Media Art
ATCM 4364 Topics in Design
ARTS 3377 Photography: Altered Image
ARTS 3379 Photography: New Media
ARTS 4372 Advanced Photography
ARTS 4305 The Art of Graphic Design
Free Electives: 15 semester credit hours
Both upper- and lower-division courses may be uses as electives.
The plan must include sufficient upper-division courses to total 45 upper-division semester credit hours.
Incoming freshmen must enroll and complete requirements of AHTC 1100.
1. Curriculum Requirements can be fulfilled by other approved courses from institutions of higher education. The courses listed are recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy both Core Curriculum and Major Requirements at UT Dallas.
2. Course requires additional lower-level prerequisites that will count as free electives.