UT Dallas 2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology

Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication (BA)

This general degree plan emphasizes the breadth of the major's interdisciplinary programs, which allows students to explore early courses across the curriculum. This offers students an opportunity to explore the foundation courses in which they will develop the experience and materials needed before choosing whether to apply to specialize in a concentration with greater depth in Critical Media Studies or Emerging Media Art.

Unless otherwise noted, courses in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication are open to all students in the University. However, students majoring in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication may be given preference in certain course enrollments.

Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication

Degree Requirements (120 semester credit hours)

View an Example of Degree Requirements by Semester


Professors: Anne Balsamo, Christine (xtine) Burrough, Roger Malina

Associate Professors: Heidi Cooley, Josef Nguyen, Andrew Scott, Hong An Wu

Assistant Professors: Kevin Sweet

Associate Professors of Instruction: Laura Imaoka, Mark McKinney, Christina Nielsen, Harold (Chip) Wood

Assistant Professors of Instruction: James Fraley, Audra Heaslip, Sharon Hewitt, Elizabeth (Liz) Trosper

Professor of Practice: Norman Cox

Assistant Professors of Practice: Harold Fitzgerald, David Marks

I. Core Curriculum Requirements: 42 semester credit hours1

Communication: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Communication Core courses

Mathematics: 3 semester credit hours

Choose one course from the following:

MATH 1306 College Algebra for the Non-Scientist

MATH 1314 College Algebra

Or select any 3 semester credit hours from Mathematics Core courses (see advisor)

Life and Physical Sciences: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Life and Physical Sciences Core courses

Language, Philosophy and Culture: 3 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from Language, Philosophy and Culture Core courses

Creative Arts: 3 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from Creative Arts Core courses

American History: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from American History Core courses

Government/Political Science: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Government/Political Science Core courses (see advisor)

Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from Social and Behavioral Sciences Core courses

Component Area Option: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Component Area Option Core courses

II. Major Requirements, Lower-Division: 24 semester credit hours


ATCM 2300 Introduction to TechnoCulture

ATCM 2301 Digital Art and Design Foundations

ATCM 2302 Design I

CS 1335 Computer Science I for Non-majors2


Choose three courses from across both groups:

Group A

ATCM 2330 Digital Art and Social Practice

ATCM 2321 Reading Media Critically

ATCM 2340 Visual Communication

ATCM 2350 Time-Based Media

Group B

ANGM 2303 Project Management for Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication I

ANGM 2310 Animation and Game Fundamentals

ATCM 2320 Critical Media Research Foundations

ANGM 2345 Introduction to Audio Production

ATCM 2355 Survey of Digital Fabrication

ATEC Histories Course: 3 semester credit hours

Choose one course from the following:

ANGM 2315 Animation Origins and Techniques

ATCM 2322 Media Histories

ATCM 2343 Emerging Media Art Histories

ATCM 2360 Design Histories

ANGM 2375 History of Games

III. Major Requirements, Upper-Division: 24 semester credit hours

ATCM 3301 Writing for ATEC

ATCM 4384 Ethics in New Media, Technology, and Communication

Choose five courses from at least two areas:

Animation and Games

ANGM 3305 Computer Animation I

ANGM 3306 Modeling and Texturing I

ANGM 3307 Lighting and Composition I

ANGM 3308 Rigging I

ANGM 3365 Game Design I

ANGM 3367 Level Design I

Critical Media Studies

ANGM 3315 Animation Studies

ATCM 3320 Critical Media Theories

ATCM 3321 Networked Identities

ATCM 3325 Global Media Cultures

ANGM 3366 Game Studies I


ATCM 3336 Design Research Methods

ATCM 3337 Interaction Design I

ANGM 3338 Motion Design I

Emerging Media Art

ANGM 3346 Audio Productions Lab I

ATCM 3350 Digital Video Production I

ATCM 3355 Computer Modeling for Digital Fabrication

ATCM 4326 Mediated Textuality

ATCM 4330 Culture Jamming

Choose one course from the following:

ATCM 4397 Senior Seminar

ATCM 4398 Capstone Project

ATCM 4399 Senior Honors in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication

IV. Elective Requirements: 30 semester credit hours

Prescribed Electives: 15 semester credit hours

Choose any five courses from the following. At least two courses must be at the 4000-level, and the courses must come from at least two of the categories.

Animation and Games

ANGM 3305 Computer Animation I

ANGM 3306 Modeling and Texturing I

ANGM 3307 Lighting and Composition I

ANGM 3308 Rigging I

ANGM 3310 Introduction to Proceduralism

ANGM 3312 Surfacing and Shading

ANGM 3315 Animation Studies

ANGM 3365 Game Design I

ANGM 3366 Game Studies I

ANGM 3367 Level Design I

ANGM 3368 Scripting for Games I

ANGM 3369 Games and Narrative I

ANGM 3370 Virtual Environments I

ANGM 4310 Motion Capture Animation

ANGM 4316 Animation Lab I

ANGM 4317 Animation Lab II

ANGM 4366 Game Studies II

ANGM 4376 Game Production Lab I

ANGM 4377 Game Production Lab II

Critical Media Studies

ATCM 3320 Critical Media Theories

ATCM 3321 Networked Identities

ATCM 3325 Global Media Cultures

ATCM 3331 Critical Making

ATCM 4320 Political Economy of Digital Media

ATCM 4322 Disability, Technology, and Media

ATCM 4323 Feminism, Technology, and Media

ATCM 4325 Race, Technology, and Media

ATCM 4326 Mediated Textuality

ATCM 4327 Privacy and Surveillance

ATCM 4330 Culture Jamming


ATCM 3336 Design Research Methods

ATCM 3337 Interaction Design I

ANGM 3338 Motion Design I

ATCM 3340 Design II

ATCM 4337 Interaction Design II

ANGM 4338 Motion Design II

ATCM 4340 Strategic Design

ATCM 4364 Topics in Design

CS 4352 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction

Emerging Communication

ANGM 3338 Motion Design I

ATCM 3382 Communicating Research

ATCM 3388 Social Influence and Persuasive Design

ATCM 4326 Mediated Textuality

ATCM 4330 Culture Jamming

ATCM 4386 Journalism in the Networked Age

Emerging Media Art

ATCM 3345 Audio Technologies

ANGM 3346 Audio Productions Lab I

ATCM 3350 Digital Video Production I

ATCM 3355 Computer Modeling for Digital Fabrication

ATCM 3356 Projection Mapping Lab

ATCM 3357 Digital Fabrication Lab I

ANGM 3372 Sound Design for Games

ATCM 4330 Culture Jamming

ATCM 4345 Digital Audio Processing

ANGM 4346 Audio Productions Lab II

ATCM 4350 Digital Video Production II

ATCM 4357 Digital Fabrication Lab II

ATCM 4364 Topics in Design

ARTS 3371 Photography: Black/White

ARTS 3372 Photography: Color Concepts

ARTS 3377 Photography: Altered Image

ARTS 3379 Photography: New Media

ARTS 4372 Advanced Photography

Free Electives: 15 semester credit hours

Both upper-and lower-division courses may be used as electives.

The plan must include sufficient upper-division courses to total 45 upper-division semester credit hours.

Incoming freshmen must enroll and complete requirements of AHTC 1100.


Students must take a minimum of 18 semester credit hours for the minor. Students who take a minor will be expected to meet the normal prerequisites in courses making up the minor, and should maintain a minimum GPA of 2.000 on a 4.00 scale (C average). Semester credit hours may not be used to satisfy both the major and minor requirements; however, free elective semester credit hours or major preparatory classes may be used to satisfy the minor. Core courses offered by the school may count as lower-division semester credit hours toward the minor. Topics courses must be approved by the school. The Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology will substitute courses as necessary. At least one-third of the semester credit hours for a minor must be taken at The University of Texas at Dallas.

Minor in Audio Production

18 semester credit hours

Required Lower-division Courses: (6 semester credit hours)

All students must take the following audio production course:

ANGM 2345 Introduction to Audio Production

And one of the following music courses:3

MUSI 2328 Music Theory I

MUSI 2329 Music Theory II

MUSI 2330 Music Theory III

MUSI 2319 Digital Music I

Required Upper-division Courses: (12 semester credit hours)

Choose one course from the following: (3 semester credit hours)

MUSI 3322 Music in Historical Context

MUSI 3327 Music in Modern Culture

MUSI 3330 Music Literature: Romantic to Modern

Choose three courses from the following: (9 semester credit hours)

ANGM 3372 Sound for Games

ANGM 3373 Field Audio Recording Techniques

ANGM 3347 Sound Techniques I

ANGM 4347 Sound Techniques II

ATCM 3345 Audio Technologies

ATCM 4345 Digital Audio Processing

ANGM 3346 Audio Productions Lab I

ANGM 4346 Audio Productions Lab II

MUSI 3328 Advanced Theory and Keyboard Skills

MUSI 3389 Digital Music II

MUSI 4348 Creating Music

Minor in Ethnic Studies

18 semester credit hours

Ethnic Studies is an interdisciplinary field that studies the histories, cultures, and intellectual and artistic traditions of people of color. It is concerned with ethnicity, race, indigeneity, racism, and resistance within the United States. It applies a critical lens to all academic knowledge domains, and, by centering previously marginalized perspectives, generates new approaches, knowledge, and methods in the study of the United States and beyond.

Required Course: 3 semester credit hours

ATCM 2325 Introduction to Ethnic Studies

Prescribed Electives: 15 semester credit hours

Students will need to take fifteen (15) additional semester credit hours from at least two of the distribution areas below.

A student may petition to count selected courses with significant ethnicity/race-related content that are not listed below. In such cases, students will have to commit to writing papers or completing final projects about ethnicity/race-related topics. Only one such course can be petitioned toward the minor.

Note: Because of pre-requisite requirements for some of the classes listed below, certain classes might not be available to all students depending on their major. Students should work with their advisors to complete their degrees and minors in as few hours as possible without going beyond their 120-degree semester credit hours.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture:

AMS 2341 American Studies for the Twenty-First Century

AMS 3302 American Cultures

AMS 3322 American Ethnic Experience: Immigrants after 1945

AMS 4379 Special Topics in American Studies

ATCM 2321 Reading Media Critically

ATCM 2322 Media Histories

ATCM 3321 Networked Identities

ATCM 3325 Global Media Cultures

ATCM 4320 Political Economy of Digital Media

ATCM 4322 Disability, Technology, and Media

ATCM 4323 Feminism, Technology, and Media

ATCM 4325 Race, Technology, and Media

ATCM 4327 Privacy and Surveillance

LIT 2322 Survey of African-American and African Diaspora Literatures

LIT 2329 Introduction to Ethnic American Literature

The following classes may count toward the Race, Ethnicity, and Culture distribution area.4

ATCM 4334 Topics in Critical Media Studies

ATCM 4395 Advanced Topics in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Media

FILM 3325 Film Authorship

FILM 3342 Topics in Film

LIT 3316 The Literature of Science Fiction

LIT 3317 The Literature of Fantasy

LIT 3319 Contexts

LIT 3337 Comparisons

LIT 4329 Single Author

MUSI 3327 Music in Modern Culture

MUSI 3324 Jazz History: Roots to Swing

MUSI 3325 Jazz History: Modern Jazz Since BeBop

Race, Ethnicity, and Historical Perspectives:

HIST 2381 African-American History

HIST 3390 Twentieth Century African-American History

HIST 3392 U.S.- Mexico Borderlands

HIST 3394 Native American History from the Pre-Columbian Period through 1795

HIST 3395 Native American History in the Nineteenth Century

HIST 3396 Native Americans in the Twentieth Century

HIST 3342 Origins of the Jim Crow South

HIST 4357 Topics in African and African-American History

HIST 4369 Topics in Borderlands History

HIST 4386 Topics in the History of Race or Ethnicity

PHIL 4332 Philosophy of Race

The following classes may count toward the Race, Ethnicity, and Historical distribution area.4

ARHM 3342 Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts and Humanities

FILM 3321 Film in Historical Context

HIST 3306 History of Racism

HIST 3366 Themes in the Social History of the United States

HIST 4376 Advanced Topics in History

HIST 4378 Topics in American History

HIST 4380 Topics in Intellectual History

Race, Ethnicity, Society, Politics:

CRIM 4315 Race, Ethnicity, and Justice

ECON 3337 Economics of Poverty and Inequality

GEOG 3384 Sustainable Food and Place

or PA 3384 Sustainable Food and Place

PSCI 3303 Civil Liberties

PSCI 4364 Civil Rights Law and Society

SOC 4302 Class, Status, and Power

The following classes may count toward the Race, Ethnicity, Society, Politics distribution area.4

PHIL 4324 Social and Political Philosophy

1. Curriculum Requirements can be fulfilled by other approved courses from institutions of higher education. The courses listed are recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy both Core Curriculum and Major Requirements at UT Dallas.

2. Students who are ATEC/CS double degree or who plan to minor in CS must enroll in CS 1436 and/or CS 1337 (if placed out of CS 1436).

3. students may use only one lower-division music theory course for the minor

4. These are reviewed each semester by the Ethnic Studies Minor Committee.

Updated: 2024-06-11 16:24:24 v14.b03be1