UT Dallas 2024 Undergraduate Catalog


SOC 1301 (SOCI 1301) Introduction to Sociology (3 semester credit hours) An overview of the sociological perspective and its application to social research and social policy. (3-0) Y

SOC 1306 Contemporary Social Issues (3 semester credit hours) An overview of how sociological concepts and approaches can be applied to the study of the causes and consequences of various social issues in contemporary society. Topics may include poverty, crime, violence, social isolation, urban decay, changes in the family, consumerism, and health disparities. (3-0) R

SOC 2300 Introduction to Gender Studies (3 semester credit hours) An introduction to the way gender shapes individuals, social institutions and culture. Examines gender, class, sexuality, race/ethnicity, and nationality as interactive systems. Topics include biological arguments about gender and sexuality; the cultural construction of gender; the psychology of sex roles; the ways gender shapes families, workplaces and other social institutions. (Same as GST 2300) (3-0) Y

SOC 2303 Culture, Media and Society (3 semester credit hours) Examines how various forms of modern media represent the values and lifestyles of American popular culture, and how we experience the media in our everyday lives. The course will address social issues and cultural changes related to the use of mass media, as well as social media. (3-0) Y

SOC 2305 Individual and Society (3 semester credit hours) The study of the relationship among the individual, social structure, and culture. Explores self-concept and personality, the process of socialization, role-taking and social interaction, norms, values, group membership, and group processes. (3-0) R

SOC 2319 Race and Ethnicity (3 semester credit hours) Examines how race/ethnicity plays a role in social stratification in U.S. society, the economy, government, education, and other social institutions, and how public policies address social inequalities associated with such stratification. (3-0) R

SOC 3303 Classical Social Theory (3 semester credit hours) Introduction to the classic theorists in sociology, primarily works by Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, and Georg Simmel. This course examines how these early theorists defined and described society within their own social contexts, as well as how we derive meaning from their writings to understand and explain issues of twenty-first century societies. Prerequisite: SOC 1301. (3-0) Y

SOC 3315 Socio-Behavioral Sciences for Medicine (3 semester credit hours) Exploration of selected sociological and psychological constructs and theories scholars have employed to explain individual and group behaviors, with specific emphasis on human motivation and patient compliance. (3-0) Y

SOC 3320 Urban Sociology (3 semester credit hours) This course will provide an overview of cities and metropolitan areas, and of sociological concepts related to cities and their social aspects. Topics to be addressed include the historical development of cities; the spatial, demographic, economic, and political characteristics of urban and metropolitan areas; the social and psychological dynamics of urban life; the impact of technology on cities and urban growth; and the evolving nature of community in contemporary society. (3-0) R

SOC 3321 Deviance (3 semester credit hours) Analysis of historical and contemporary perspectives which propose the causes, consequences, and cures for deviance. Description of theories, research, and public policy associated with efforts to control deviant behavior and deviant groups, and to establish normalcy. (3-0) R

SOC 3331 Education and Society (3 semester credit hours) This course focuses on education as a social institution and an agent of socialization. The formal organization of education, education and the family, education and social stratification, and education as a vehicle for examining and solving social problems are explored. Also considered is the relationship between funding sources and educational objectives and outcomes. (3-0) R

SOC 3333 Religion in Society (3 semester credit hours) The course examines how religions in U.S. society help shape the views and behaviors of members of the public as they participate in U.S. social institutions, including the economy/workforce, education, government/law, and healthcare. Specifically, this course uses sociology to examine how religious views and values help shape Americans' attitudes toward and participation in these and other social institutions. The course also uses sociology to examine how diversity of religions presents social challenges in U.S. society and what Americans' responses to diversity of religions tell us about U.S. society. (Same as RELS 3373) (3-0) R

SOC 3342 The Life Cycle (3 semester credit hours) An examination of the institutions that shape the course of people's lives from birth to death. Topics include primary socialization, family, schools, peer groups, occupations, retirement, and death. (3-0) R

SOC 3343 Sociology of the Family (3 semester credit hours) Trends in family life are examined with special attention to how these relate to changes in men's and women's roles. Topics include sex-role socialization, division of household labor, sexuality, emotional aspects of marriage, marital power and decision making, and divorce. (3-0) R

SOC 3344 Film and Society (3 semester credit hours) Utilizes full-length commercial films and documentaries to illuminate and demonstrate sociological concepts, phenomena and important contemporary social issues. The course also assesses the impact of films on American culture and society. (3-0) R

SOC 3352 Sex, Gender and Society (3 semester credit hours) This course explores how sexuality is perceived, defined, and experienced in the context of society. How sexuality influences our lives, is reflected in social norms, attitudes and beliefs, through public and private policies and practices, and the social institutions is also investigated. This class also focuses on how prevalent gender differences really are in our society and examines the social construction of gender. (3-0) R

SOC 3363 Immigrants and Immigration in U.S. Society (3 semester credit hours) This course focuses on the "newest" immigrants - those arriving after 1965 - and their U.S.-born children. The course examines these immigrants' impact on U.S. society and their placement in U.S. social institutions (the workforce, or the economy; education; healthcare; the legal or political system; religious organizations; etc.), and how U.S. social institutions affect immigrants' assimilation and integration into U.S. society, and that of their children. (3-0) R

SOC 3379 Diversity in the Public Sector (3 semester credit hours) This course will focus on diversity beyond just race/ethnicity and gender, and examine dimensions of sexual orientation, religion, skill level, physical ability, communication styles, and multi-generations in the workplace. Understanding diversity and learning how to manage its complexity is the key focus of this class. Students will examine the importance of multiple cultures in public and nonprofit organizations in work teams and discuss the challenges that come with multiculturalism. Social interactions that contribute to the understanding of difference groups in diverse settings are examined. (Same as PA 3379) (3-0) Y

SOC 3381 Field Research Methods (3 semester credit hours) This course introduces students to field research, the principal methodology of qualitative research. Students learn how to make observations and conduct interviews, and how to record and analyze data collected through these field methods. While students do not conduct actual research, they will complete a series of practice exercises to develop an individual research proposal. The proposal will be the basis of the research project students will undertake in the follow-up field research course, SOC 4317 or PA 4317 Field Research Practicum. (Same as PA 3381) (3-0) Y

SOC 3382 Sustainable Communities (3 semester credit hours) This course will survey the following topics in public policy and environmental justice: climate change, loss of habitat and biodiversity, water security, and the effects of new technologies. We will examine policy issues in light of the challenges faced by societies to balance the needs of all stakeholders in terms of economic, social, and environmental impacts; e.g., the triple bottom line. Emphasis is placed upon gaining an understanding of the elements of environmental justice and their impacts on different sectors of society through multiple ethical paradigms. (Same as PA 3382) (3-0) Y

SOC 3390 Community Health (3 semester credit hours) Students will learn about theories of behavior change, health literacy, health education, and health promotion strategies. Students will develop competencies in needs assessment, program planning, and implementation. Certified Health Education Specialist competencies will be emphasized in this course. (3-0) R

SOC 3391 Environmental Health (3 semester credit hours) Environmental health is a field that focuses on the relationship between people and their environment. This class examines how policies and programs have reduced chemical and other exposures in air, water, and soil. Topics include environmental justice, children's environmental health issues, and healthy community design. (3-0) R

SOC 3392 Women's Health Issues (3 semester credit hours) This course focuses on women's health throughout the life course and explores biological and social determinants of health. It examines leading causes of morbidity and mortality for women in the US including historical context, risk factors, prevention, and treatment. Considers how social, political, and economic inequities have impacted women's health. (3-0) R

SOC 3393 Public Health in Socio-Historical Perspective (3 semester credit hours) An overview of the historical development of public health institutions that have been established in response to disease epidemics, changes in human living arrangements and economic institutions, advances in technology, and other social and environmental factors. While the course will address global trends, there will a particular focus on Western societies, including the United States. (3-0) R

SOC 3394 Health Policy (3 semester credit hours) An overview of public policies that shape the American health care system and examination of major governmental programs to expand access to appropriate health care services, control costs, enhance the quality of care, and promote health through prevention. Current and recent proposals for the reform of health care policy will be addressed. (3-0) R

SOC 4302 Class, Status, and Power (3 semester credit hours) Explores the nature of systems of differentiation and ranking in societies and their consequences; examination of how prestige, occupational skills, education, and economic assets are used to create class distinctions in the United States; considers the impact of social class on life chances; concepts and processes of social mobility; and the influence of power inconsistencies on income, wealth, and status. Prerequisite: SOC 1301 or SOC 3303. (3-0) Y

SOC 4305 Applied Data Analysis (3 semester credit hours) This course provides an overview of quantitative analysis up to multiple regression, with an introduction to data analysis using standard social science statistical software packages. Emphasis is on skill development related to software coding, secondary data analysis, interpretation of results, and data presentation. Prerequisites: EPPS 2301 and EPPS 2302. (3-0) Y

SOC 4306 Advanced Sociological Research (3 semester credit hours) Advanced topics in research methods and data analysis are examined with an emphasis on project based learning. Smaller exercises will culminate into a complete research paper that incorporates theory, review of literature, data analysis and research findings. Projects will focus on a range of topics including, but not limited to, education, race and ethnic relations, culture, the family, health care, and workplace diversity. Prerequisites: SOC 3303 and SOC 3305. (3-0) Y

SOC 4317 Field Research Practicum (3 semester credit hours) Students will be guided by the instructor in conducting individual research projects in the field. Students will base their field research on the research proposal they developed in PA 3381 or SOC 3381 Field Research Methods. Prerequisites: (PA 3381 or SOC 3381) and instructor consent required. (Same as PA 4317) (3-0) Y

SOC 4357 Drugs, Alcohol and Society (3 semester credit hours) This course examines the societal influences that lead to illicit drug and alcohol use and misuse, as well as the social consequences of those actions. The focus is on the social construction of addiction rather than on individual pathological behaviors. The relationship between individual and group behavior, and social structure is also explored. (3-0) R

SOC 4369 Public Health and Society (3 semester credit hours) This class is an overview of public health, with an emphasis on the relationship between social forces and health. Topics covered include the history of public health, research ethics, public health careers, epidemiology, behavior change theory, and program development. Particular emphasis will be devoted to social determinants of health and health disparities in the U.S. (3-0) R

SOC 4371 Mental Health and Illness (3 semester credit hours) An overview of how society has identified and treated mental illness over time and in different cultures. Topics include causes and cures, social determinants and mental health, history of societal responses to mental illness, including public policies, and how mental illness is represented in media. (3-0) R

SOC 4372 Health and Illness (3 semester credit hours) An introduction to medical sociology, this class examines the social causes of health and disease, health and illness behaviors, medicalization and the social construction of illness, global health disparities, history of and current practices in medical school and the health professions, and the formulation and implementation of health policies and programs. (3-0) R

SOC 4375 Gender and Work (3 semester credit hours) A sociological analysis of historical trends and current patterns of gender inequality in paid and domestic work; examination of theories and research related to the role of gender in shaping labor market opportunities, experiences, and rewards; identification of various forms of workplace discrimination and potential remedies. (3-0) R

SOC 4384 Social Epidemiology (3 semester credit hours) Social epidemiology emphasizes that health, disease, and injury are influenced over the life course not only on an individual level, but on multiple levels, including social groups, communities, and policies. This course explores how socioeconomic status, discrimination, war, workplace policies, and other social determinants contribute to disparities in the distribution of disease and injury. (3-0) Y

SOC 4385 Global Health and Society (3 semester credit hours) Using the United Nations' sustainable development goals as a framework, this class covers the measurement of the global burden of disease, research ethics, different global health systems, and why people in different parts of the world are at different levels of risk for communicable and non-communicable diseases. Additionally, there is a focus on particular issues such as injuries, environment, and nutrition, as well as special populations such as women and children. (3-0) R

SOC 4386 Health and Social Policy (3 semester credit hours) Examines the history and complexities of the American healthcare system and social welfare provision. Particular emphasis is placed on the U.S., exploring healthcare and social welfare in a public policy framework. (Same as PA 4386) (3-0) Y

SOC 4388 Religions in Global Societies (3 semester credit hours) This course examines how religions in global societies, in which social and cultural pluralism are prominent in social institutions, reflect and help shape globalization processes of interconnectivity, multiculturalism, and integration of new social groups that are related to the economy (workforce), government (law/legislation), education, and healthcare. (Same as RELS 4375) (3-0) R

SOC 4396 Selected Topics in Sociology (3 semester credit hours) May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). (3-0) R

SOC 4V97 Independent Study in Sociology (1-6 semester credit hours) Independent study under a faculty member's direction. May be repeated for credit (6 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-6]-0) S

SOC 4V98 Internship (1-6 semester credit hours) Credit/No Credit only. May be repeated for credit (6 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-6]-0) S

SOC 4V99 Senior Honors in Sociology (1-6 semester credit hours) For students conducting independent research for honors theses or projects. May be repeated for credit (6 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-6]-0) S