UT Dallas 2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology

Literature (BA)

Students who complete the major in Literature receive a thorough grounding in literary ideas and methods, competence in particular national literatures, as well as the ability to work across literatures and languages. By engaging literary works appropriate to one of the country's most diverse campuses, this major teaches both specialized knowledge and the skills to deepen and broaden knowledge of literature that is new or unfamiliar. The ideal graduate would be able to approach English-language literary works from anywhere in the world with a set of intelligent questions and the capacity to produce equally intelligent solutions to interpretative problems. By selecting a variety of courses from a variety of headings, students are able to combine courses in criticism and interpretation, in writing and translation, and in English and foreign languages. Students may also pursue teaching certification.

At least one-half of the semester credit hours for the major must be taken at UT Dallas.

Bachelor of Arts in Literature

Degree Requirements (120 semester credit hours)

View an Example of Degree Requirements by Semester


Professors: Sean J. Cotter, Pamela Gossin, Ming Dong Gu, Dennis M. Kratz, Manuel (Manny) Martinez, David A. Patterson, Rene Prieto, Rainer Schulte, Theresa M. Towner

Associate Professors: Ashley Barnes, John C. Gooch, Charles Hatfield, Jessica Murphy

Assistant Professors: Erin Greer, Maurine Ogbaa, Davis Smith-Brecheisen, Nomi Stone, Mai Wang

Chair Emerita: Zsuzsanna Ozsváth

Professors Emeriti: Milton A. Cohen, Timothy (Tim) Redman, Michael S. Simpson, Frederick Turner

Associate Professor Emerita: Patricia H. Michaelson

Professors of Instruction: Lorena Camacho-Guardardo, Christopher (Chris) Ryan

Associate Professors of Instruction: Zafar Anjum, Kenneth Brewer, Bei Chen, Peter (Jay) Ingrao

Associate Professor of Instruction Emeritus: Thomas M. Lambert

Assistant Professors of Instruction: Chieko Hoki, Christina Montgomery, Angela Mooney, Kristin Riley

I. Core Curriculum Requirements: 42 semester credit hours1

Communication: 6 semester credit hours

RHET 1302 Rhetoric II

RHET 2302 Intermediate Composition and Rhetoric

Or select any 6 semester credit hours from Communication Core courses (see advisor)

Mathematics: 3 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from Mathematics Core courses

Life and Physical Sciences: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Life and Physical Sciences Core courses

Language, Philosophy and Culture: 3 semester credit hours

LIT 2331 Introduction to World Literature3

Or select any 3 semester credit hours from Language, Philosophy and Culture Core courses (see advisor)

Creative Arts: 3 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from Creative Arts Core courses

American History: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from American History Core courses

Government/Political Science: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Government/Political Science Core courses

Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from Social and Behavioral Sciences Core courses

Component Area Option: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Component Area Option Core courses

II. Major Requirements: 45-48 semester credit hours beyond Core Curriculum

Major Preparatory Courses: 6-9 semester credit hours beyond Core Curriculum

LIT 2350 Close Reading

Select 6 semester credit hours from the following four:

LIT 2320 Survey A: Literature in English

LIT 2321 Survey B: Literature in Translation

LIT 2322 Survey of African-American and African Diaspora Literatures

LIT 2331 Introduction to World Literature2

Major Core Courses: 12 semester credit hours

LIT 3300 Western Literary Tradition

LIT 3339 Writing Literary Studies

LIT 4329 Single Author

LIT 4390 Capstone

Major Distribution and Elective Courses: 27 semester credit hours

3 semester credit hours from the following "Research and Writing" courses:

ARHM 3342 Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts and Humanities

LIT 3338 Literary Theory and Aesthetic Philosophy

Any upper-division creative writing workshop (prefix CRWT)

6 semester credit hours from the following "Contexts" course:

LIT 3319 Contexts3

3 semester credit hours from the following "Comparisons" courses:

CRWT 3330 Translation Workshop

LIT 3337 Comparisons

15 semester credit hours from any foreign language electives or upper-division LIT, or CRWT electives.

III. Elective Requirements: 30-33 semester credit hours

Free Electives: 30-33 semester credit hours

Both upper-division and lower-division courses may be used as electives.

The plan must include sufficient upper-division courses to total 45 upper-division semester credit hours.

Incoming freshmen must enroll and complete requirements of AHTC 1100.


Students must take a minimum of 18 semester credit hours for the minor, 12 of which must be upper-division semester credit hours. Students who take a minor will be expected to meet the normal prerequisites in courses making up the minor, and should maintain a minimum GPA of 2.000 on a 4.00 scale (C average). Semester credit hours may not be used to satisfy both the major and minor requirements; however, free elective semester credit hours or major preparatory classes may be used to satisfy the minor. Core courses offered by the school may count as lower-division semester credit hours toward the minor. Topics courses must be approved by the school. The Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology will substitute courses as necessary. At least one-third of the semester credit hours for a minor must be taken at The University of Texas at Dallas.

Minor in Creative Writing

18 semester credit hours

Required Course: 3 semester credit hours

CRWT 2301 Introduction to Creative Writing

Workshops: 9 semester credit hours (repeated courses allowed)

Select any 9 semester credit hours of upper-level CRWT courses, minimum of two genres required

Electives: 6 semester credit hours (repeated courses allowed)

Select any 6 semester credit hours of upper-level LIT or CRWT courses

Minor in Literature

18 semester credit hours

Lower-Level Major Prep

LIT 2350 Close Reading

Choose 6 semester credit hours from the following:

LIT 2320 Survey A: Literature in English

LIT 2321 Survey B: Literature in Translation

LIT 2322 Survey of African-American and African Diaspora Literatures

LIT 2331 Introduction to World Literature

Upper-Level Literature Electives

Select any 9 semester credit hours of upper-level LIT courses.

Minor in Spanish

18 semester credit hours

Students must enroll in a minimum of two courses in Spanish at UT Dallas at the level determined by the language placement exam. Minimum of 9 semester credit hours must be in upper division level.

Spanish Courses: 15-18 semester credit hours

Choose any from the following:

SPAN 1311 Beginning Spanish I

SPAN 1312 Beginning Spanish II

SPAN 1613 Intensive Beginning Spanish

SPAN 2310 Spanish for Heritage Speakers

SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I

SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II

SPAN 2316 Topics in Spanish Culture

SPAN 2613 Intensive Intermediate Spanish

SPAN 3311 Advanced Spanish I

SPAN 3312 Advanced Spanish II

SPAN 3316 Spanish Culture

SPAN 3330 Medical Spanish

SPAN 3350 Business Spanish

SPAN 3363 Spanish Composition and Style

SPAN 4301 Advanced Spanish Conversation

SPAN 4330 Medical Spanish Immersion

SPAN 4364 Advanced Spanish Culture

SPAN 4366 Spanish and Latin American Literatures

SPAN 4367 The History of the Spanish Language

Latin American Studies Courses: 0-3 semester credit hours4

Choose from the following:

LATS 3301 Latin American Literature

LATS 3302 Latin American Film

LATS 3303 Latin Social Dance

LATS 4329 Major Authors

HIST 2350 Latin American Civilizations

HIST 3379 United States Relations with Latin America

HIST 3391 Modern Mexico

HIST 3398 Colonial Latin American History

HIST 3399 Modern Latin American History

HIST 3397 Study Abroad in Latin America

HIST 4359 Topics in Latin American History5

1. Curriculum Requirements can be fulfilled by other approved courses from institutions of higher education. The courses listed are recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy both Core Curriculum and Major Requirements at UT Dallas.

2. A required Preparatory course that also fulfills a Core Curriculum requirement. Semester credit hours may be counted in Core Curriculum.

3. LIT 3319 may be repeated for credit as topics vary

4. No more than 3 semester credit hours of the Spanish minor may be completed by Latin American Studies Courses.

5. Topics courses must be approved by the Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology before enrolling.

Updated: 2024-04-26 08:36:21 v10.de1d35