Public Policy
PPOL 4300 Capstone in Public Policy (3 semester credit hours) This course is designed to expose students to real-world policy-making and implementation. A major research project will strengthen the research, information access, and lifelong learning capacities of the students. Prerequisites: EPPS 2301 and EPPS 2302. (3-0) R
PPOL 4301 Law, Science, and Policy (3 semester credit hours) In this course we will investigate how legal structures influence the production of science and the protection of intellectual property. We will also inquire into the manner in which judges and litigants use science in the courtroom. We will cover topics such as the use of DNA in criminal and family law, how judges evaluate scientific evidence (and the value of scientific peer review), government promotion of science using law and other means-among several others. (Same as PSCI 4301) (3-0) T
PPOL 4302 Data and Policy (3 semester credit hours) This course examines the implications of data for policy and policy for data. Policy topics will focus on the relationship between data privacy and security at the national and international level. Students will learn about relevant legislation and its practical and theoretical implications. We will explore contemporary types of data, the ways these data are changing as a result of technological innovations, and the impact of these changes on our privacy and security. (Same as PSCI 4302) (3-0) T
PPOL 4303 The Internet and Public Policy (3 semester credit hours) An introduction to issues in public policy in the context of the Internet; understanding of regulation in cyberspace; censorship, net neutrality, intellectual property, big data privacy, and bullying issues pertinent to the Internet; and understanding of the use of Internet for terrorism. (3-0) R
PPOL 4304 Mental Health and Social Policy (3 semester credit hours) This course broadly examines issues related to mental health and mental illness as social issues in the United States and related topics and categories of mental health disorders. The course reviews the foundations of mental health and mental illness, major categories of disorders and the history of mental health policy, examines the scope and causes of mental health problems, critically analyzes the major treatment systems of mental disorders and behavior as well as the delivery of mental health services and managed care, and explores and assesses social policy regarding efficacy of community support systems and health directives. (3-0) Y
PPOL 4305 Policy Analysis, Theory, and Methods (3 semester credit hours) This course offers a holistic overview of public policy analysis, theory, and practice. Policy analysts offer crucial advice based on carefully analyzing sources of relevant information through a variety of potential theoretical lenses and analysis techniques, which you will study throughout this semester. These recommendations are often client-oriented; pertinent to public decisions; contextual to time/place/culture; and influenced by key social values and political processes. Policy analysis is a tool to better identify and understand: 1) different points of view of a policy problem, 2) potential options for solving (or at least minimizing the negative effects) of the issue, 3) important steps and actors necessary to make change, and 4) the related probable outcomes, consequences, and uncertainties. This course hopes to inspire you to consider the larger implications that public policy may have. Good policy making can improve society and the quality of life of people, especially those who are in most need. But when done poorly, policies can just as easily injure individuals and groups, strip them of their rights, dignity, and quality of life, all the while benefiting a select few. In a time when our world is facing both immense new challenges (global warming, pandemics, etc.) and old social problems (racism, inequity, poverty, etc.), you can play a vital role in your chosen career to make a real difference to your community, nation, and beyond. (3-0) Y
PPOL 4310 Law and Terrorism (3 semester credit hours) In this course, students confront the complexities of combating terrorism within a system of domestic and international law and rights. The course covers the anti-terrorism policies used by the Bush and Obama Administrations since September 11, 2001. Topics include, but are not limited to, the difficulties of defining boundaries for a War on Terrorism, the treatment of suspected terrorists and their rights under American and international law, the use of physical and psychological interrogation techniques as an information-gathering tool, the mass surveillance of communication, the extrajudicial use of lethal force on suspected terrorists, and the role and legality of whistleblowing and leaking in the publics knowledge of classified policies. In each topic, students learn the details of the governments policy, the competing arguments about its legality made in federal court cases, as well as popular opinion and the leading social science on the policys validity and efficacy. Throughout the course, students also learn about the process of challenging government policy in federal court and the various procedural barriers that insulate executive national-security policy from judicial review. (Same as PSCI 4310) (3-0) R
PPOL 4311 Wicked Social Problems (3 semester credit hours) This course explores the world of wicked social problems-those problems that escape solution by typical, linear problem-solving methods. Students will first learn to identify the characteristics of wicked problems, then study three competing frameworks that support community-wide contributions to problem solutions. (3-0) R
PPOL 4312 Death Penalty, the Law and Public Policy (3 semester credit hours) This course introduces the student to major topics surrounding the application of capital punishment in the United States. It offers a historical perspective of the evolution of capital punishment, explores the salient case law which established legal precedents related to methods, constitutionality and its application to special offender groups, reviews empirical literature and methods that have investigated the efficacy of the punishment, and examines the controversies of public policies which have existed in support of the death penalty from its inception through present day. (3-0) R
PPOL 4314 Family Violence and Public Policy (3 semester credit hours) This is an advanced topics course summarizing the most recent research, theories, and methods in studying family violence and providing in-depth definitions and discussions about some of the most prevalent forms of family violence, prevention and legal initiatives, and the impact of public policies on this critical public health issue in the United States today. It offers a critical analysis of theory, methodology, empirical scholarship, best practices, and public policies surrounding domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, parricide, elder abuse, stalking and sexual assault, and questions the myths surrounding the cycle of violence in American families. (3-0) R
PPOL 4319 Migration: From Despair to Hope (3 semester credit hours) Adopting a multidisciplinary lens, this course explores the different paths along which humans have migrated across the earth over millennia. Nearer to the present, we discuss why and how individuals move, challenges they face on entering and adapting to newfound lands, social and political responses to migrants by host societies, and economic impacts of migration on places of arrival and places left behind. Focusing on recent trends, the course reviews debates about US and European immigration policies and policy reforms. Looking forward, we then try to imagine what future movement patterns might resemble under recurring political instability and unrelenting climate change. Students in the course will acquire a broad grasp of the complex dimensions of global migration, deeper awareness of migrant impacts on receiving and sending countries, and a robust capacity to assess and discuss immigration policy debates. (Same as IPEC 4319) (3-0) Y
PPOL 4324 Economics of Sustainability (3 semester credit hours) Sustainability can be described as a state in which the needs of the present generation can be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This course offers a comprehensive examination of the sustainable utilization of natural resources. It introduces the analysis of optimal resource use and delves into the theoretical assessment of policies aimed at conserving the environment. Students will gain insight into key ecological and environmental economic principles and will have the opportunity to apply these concepts to real sustainability challenges. (Same as ECON 4324 and IPEC 4324 and PSCI 4324) (3-0) Y
PPOL 4325 Digital Economics and the Law (3 semester credit hours) Digital Platforms are becoming essential building blocks of modern economies, facilitating an unprecedented scale of economic transactions and activities. At the same time, an increasing number of laws and regulations are drafted, discussed, and ready to reshape the landscape of digital platforms. This course is an introduction to the economic scholarship on various legal and regulatory problems faced by digital platforms. It covers a variety of contentious topics, such as digital copyright, intermediary liability, content moderation, censorship, privacy, cybercrimes, etc. Despite the digital context, many policy questions discussed are also common in the economic analysis of law and such connections will be emphasized throughout the course. The course will be particularly helpful to students interested in either understanding the digital economy or applying economic reasoning to legal problems. (Same as ECON 4325 and PSCI 4325) (3-0) Y
PPOL 4334 Mental Health and Social Policy (3 semester credit hours) This course broadly examines issues related to mental health and mental illness as social issues in the United States and related topics and categories of mental health disorders. Course objectives include reviewing the foundations of mental health and illness; examining the scope, causes, and outcomes of mental health problems; and critically analyzing major treatment systems and social policy regarding the efficacy of mental health systems, as well as other related topics. (3-0) S
PPOL 4396 Topics in Public Policy (3 semester credit hours) May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). (3-0) T
PPOL 4398 Internship (3 semester credit hours) Credit/No Credit only. May be repeated for credit (9 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. (3-0) S
PPOL 4V91 Undergraduate Research in Public Policy (1-6 semester credit hours) Subject and scope to be determined on an individual basis. May be repeated for credit (6 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-6]-0) S
PPOL 4V96 Independent Study (1-6 semester credit hours) Provides faculty supervision for students individual study of a topic agreed upon by the student and the faculty supervisor. Credit/No Credit only. May be repeated for credit (6 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-6]-0) S
PPOL 4V99 Senior Honors in Public Policy (1-6 semester credit hours) For students conducting independent research for honors theses or projects. May be repeated for credit (6 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-6]-0) R