ACN5313 - Introductory Research Methods in Behavioral and Brain Sciences - Part II
ACN 5313 (HCS 5313 and PSYC 5313) Introductory Research Methods in Behavioral and Brain Sciences - Part II (3 semester credit hours) This course focuses on applying, understanding, and interpreting regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) -related statistical techniques in a behavioral science context. The course provides students with an increased conceptual understanding of topics within regression (e.g., mediation, moderation) and ANOVA (e.g., repeated-measures ANOVA, Analysis of Covariance, mixed effect model ANOVAs), along with computer skills required to interpret and perform data analyses. Lecture. Offered annually. Prerequisites: (ACN 5312 or HCS 5312 or PSYC 5312) and department consent required. (3-0) Y