UT Dallas 2024 Graduate Catalog

Naveen Jindal School of Management

Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

36 semester credit hours minimum


Professors: Gregory G. Dess, Seung-Hyun Lee, Zhiang (John) Lin, Mike W. Peng, Wing Kwong (Eric) Tsang, Jun Xia

Associate Professor: H. Dennis Park

Assistant Professors: Qingqing Chen, Sangyun Kim, Anavir Shermon

Associate Professors Emeriti: J. Richard Harrison, Jane Salk, David J. Springate

Clinical Professors: Howard Dover, Diane S. McNulty, McClain Watson, Habte Woldu

Clinical Assistant Professor: Jeffery (Jeff) Hicks

Associate Professors of Instruction: Maria Hasenhuttl, Thomas (Tom) Henderson, Kathryn Lookadoo, Carol Marcus-Rehtmeyer, Sarah Moore, Hubert Zydorek

Assistant Professor of Instruction: Victoria D. McCrady

Professor of Practice: Rajiv Shah

Associate Professors of Practice: Jackie Kimzey, Paul Nichols

Assistant Professor of Practice: Robert Wright

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MS IE) degree is a minimum 36 semester credit hours degree program that prepares students to create new ventures, or pursue successful careers as investment professionals or in innovation related roles with established organizations. The program offers two concentrations in which, the first concentration focuses on entrepreneurial startups (New Venture Concentration), and the second on the challenges of managing entrepreneurial innovation within the more structured environment of a mature organization (Innovation within the Corporation Concentration). In addition, 12 semester credit hours of electives must be taken, including at least six semester credit hours of ENTP prefix courses.

To apply for this degree program, an undergraduate degree is required (all majors are considered). Students must maintain a 3.0 grade-point average (GPA) in both business core courses and in all graduate courses taken in the degree program, excluding program prerequisites to qualify for the MS degree.


Students pursuing the Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship degree program are required to fulfill one semester credit hour of MAS 6102 Professional Development course. Degree credit is not earned for program prerequisites, however, the grade achieved in prerequisites will count toward the student's grade-point average (GPA). All program prerequisites must be satisfied within the first semester of graduate study.

Course Requirements

Core Courses: 18 semester credit hours

Students are required to take the following core courses.

ACCT 6305 Accounting for Managers

ENTP 6315 Entrepreneurial Finance1

ENTP 6370 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

ENTP 6375 Technology and New Product Development

ENTP 6380 Market Entry Strategies

ENTP 6390 Business Model Innovation

Specialized Concentration: 18 semester credit hours

Students may choose from one of the following two specialized concentrations:

New Venture Concentration

Required 12 semester credit hours:

ENTP 6360 Startup Launch I

or ENTP 6377 Venture Capital Seed Fund

ENTP 6378 Scaling New Ventures

Plus two courses with ENTP prefix.

Elective Courses: 6 semester credit hours

Electives may be chosen from any other unrestricted master's-level course/prefix offered within JSOM not previously completed.

Innovation Concentration

Required 12 semester credit hours:

ENTP 6388 Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship

ENTP 6398 The Corporate Entrepreneurial Experience

Plus two courses with ENTP prefix

Elective Courses: 6 semester credit hours

Students are required to select at least two courses with ENTP prefix. The remaining electives may be chosen from any other unrestricted master's-level course/prefix offered within JSOM not previously completed.

1. ENTP 6315 requires that students have completed FIN 6301 and OPRE 6301.

Graduate Certificates

Graduate Certificate in Corporate Innovation

9 semester credit hours minimum


Professor of Practice: Rajiv Shah


The Graduate Certificate in Corporate Innovation is focused on the management of innovation within the context of an established organization. The certificate is designed for students desiring to augment their skills in a technical or functional discipline with the management skills and perspectives necessary for the successful launch of new businesses or other innovations. Also, another course may be substituted for one of the courses below with advance permission from the program director and the area coordinator.

Course Requirements

ENTP 6375 Technology and New Product Development (required)

ENTP 6388 Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship (required)

One additional course from the following list:

ENTP 6380 Market Entry Strategies

ENTP 6390 Business Model Innovation

or ENTP 6398 The Corporate Entrepreneurial Experience

Graduate Certificate in New Venture Entrepreneurship

9 semester credit hours minimum


Assistant Professor of Practice: Paul Nichols


The Graduate Certificate in New Venture Entrepreneurship is focused on the management of innovation within the context of a new venture startup. Also, another course may be substituted for one of the courses below with advance permission from the program director and the area coordinator.

Course Requirements

ENTP 6370 Innovation and Entrepreneurship (required)

Two additional courses selected from the following list:

ENTP 6360 Startup Launch I

ENTP 6361 Startup Launch II

ENTP 6377 Venture Capital Seed Fund

ENTP 6378 Scaling New Ventures

ENTP 6380 Market Entry Strategies

ENTP 6390 Business Model Innovation

Updated: 2024-02-14 09:09:04 v10.2f1dfe