Naveen Jindal School of Management
The Naveen Jindal School of Management (JSOM) offers a range of degree options and program formats designed to serve the diverse needs of a student population composed of working adults, traditional full-time graduate students and residential undergraduate students.
Graduate programs stress the theory and use of applied sciences for successful management and administration of private and public institutions. Courses provide an opportunity to gain integrated and detailed knowledge of the functional areas of management as well as analytical tools for effective appraisal and decision-making. Seminars and research on specific projects are designed to develop creativity and to stimulate the student toward an integrated application of acquired knowledge.
The Naveen Jindal School of Management's mission is to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing, technology- driven, global society by partnering with the business community to:
- deliver high quality management education to a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students and practicing executives;
- develop and continuously improve programs advancing management education and practice; and,
- conduct world-class research enhancing cutting-edge management knowledge.
Degrees Offered
Masters Programs
Master of Science in Accounting and Analytics (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Business Administration (53 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (STEM) (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Energy Management (STEM) (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Finance (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Financial Technology and Analytics (STEM) (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Healthcare Leadership and Management (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Information Technology and Management (STEM) (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in International Management Studies (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Management Science (STEM) (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Marketing (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Supply Chain Management (STEM) (36 semester credit hours minimum)
Master of Science in Systems Engineering and Management (STEM) (36 semester credit hours minimum)1
Doctoral Programs
Doctor of Philosophy in International Management Studies (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)
Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science (STEM) (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)
Executive Education
Certificates Offered
- Certificate in Analytics for Managers (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Applied Data Engineering for Managers (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Applied Machine Learning (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Business Decision Analytics (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Business Analytics and Data Mining (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Corporate Innovation (9 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Cybersecurity Systems (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Intelligent Enterprise Systems (9 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Executive and Professional Coaching (15 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Fintech (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Financial Data Science (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Global Marketing (15 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Healthcare Information Technology (9 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Healthcare Informatics Leadership (11 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Lean Six Sigma (Yellow/Green) in Healthcare Quality (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in New Venture Entrepreneurship (9 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Negotiation and Mediation (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Organizational Consulting (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Product Lifecycle and Supply Chain Management (15 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Project Management (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Research Foundations in Accounting (15 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Strategic Human Resources (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Procurement in Supply Chain Management (9 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Systems Engineering (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Systems Management (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- Certificate in Transformational Leadership (12 semester credit hours minimum)
- MS Accounting Flex
- MS Business Analytics (STEM)
- MS Energy Management (STEM)
- MS Finance Flex (STEM)
- MS Healthcare Leadership and Management
- MS Information Technology and Management (STEM)
- MS Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- MS International Management Studies
- MS Management Science (STEM)
- MS Marketing (STEM)
- MS Supply Chain Management (STEM)
- MS Systems Engineering and Management (STEM)
- A bachelor's degree from an institution in the United States, or its equivalent (all majors are considered),
- International applicants must submit a TOEFL score of at least 80 on the Internet-based test that is less than two years old,
- Personal essay outlining academic interests and goals,
- All master's programs will require at least one letter of recommendation which can be either academic or professional. For the MBA programs, at least one letter must be professional,
- Resume
1. Certificate is offered jointly by the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science and the Naveen Jindal School of Management.
Professors: Ashiq Ali , Alain Bensoussan , Gary Bolton , Metín Çakanyildirim , Huseyin Cavusoglu , Jianqing Chen , William M. Cready , Gregory G. Dess , Umit G. Gurun , Dorothée Honhon , Bin Hu , Kyle Hyndman , Varghese S. Jacob , Sanjay Jain , Ganesh Janakiraman , Elena Katok , Dmitri Kuksov , Nanda Kumar , Seung-Hyun Lee , Ningzhong Li , Stanley Liebowitz , Zhiang (John) Lin , Sumit K. Majumdar , Stanimir Markov , Amit Mehra , Syam Menon , Vijay S. Mookerjee , B. P. S. Murthi , Vikram Nanda , Naim Bugra Ozel , Özalp Özer , Mike W. Peng , Hasan Pirkul , Cuili Qian , Suresh Radhakrishnan , Srinivasan Raghunathan , Ram C. Rao , Brian Ratchford , Michael J. Rebello , Gil Sadka , Sumit Sarkar , Suresh P. Sethi , Kathryn E. Stecke , Upender Subramanian , Riki Takeuchi , Wing Kwong (Eric) Tsang , Jun Xia , Ying Xie , Harold Zhang , Feng Zhao , Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng
Associate Professors: Mehmet Ayvaci , Nina Baranchuk , Zhonglan Dai , Rebecca Files , Michael Hasler , Bin Hu , Ying Huang , Surya N. Janakiraman , Robert L. Kieschnick Jr. , Atanu Lahiri , Jun Li , Ningzhong Li , Maria Loumioti , Lívia Markóczy , Ramachandran (Ram) Natarajan , Naim Bugra Ozel , H. Dennis Park , Anyan Qi , Alejandro Rivera Mesias , Young U. Ryu , Simon Siegenthaler , Serdar Simsek , Harpreet Singh , Upender Subramanian , Shaojie Tang , Guihua Wang , Mengxin Wang , Shouqiang Wang , Yining Wang , Kelsey D. Wei , Junfeng Wu , Han (Victor) Xia , Steven Xiao , Yexiao Xu , Alejandro Zentner , Jieying Zhang , Yuan Zhang , Zhe (James) Zhang , Feng Zhao , Yibin Zhou
Assistant Professors: Maya Balakrishnan , Ziyi Cao , Mingliu Chen , Qingqing Chen , Khai Chiong , Hyesook Chung , Rafael Copat , Soraya Fatehi , Andrew Frazelle , Junfan Huang , Ying Huang , Joonhwi Joo , Sora Jun , Jason Kautz , Sangyun Kim , Tongil Kim , Karren Knowlton , Botir Kobilov , Xinyao Kong , Jennifer Lee , Sheen Levine , Meng Li , Ning Alex Li , Christopher Mace , Samir Mamadehussene , Jean-Marie Meier , Zixuan Meng , Neda Miraeian , Radha Mookerjee , Jedson Pinto , Jimmy Qin , Christopher Reilly , Ignacio Rios Uribe , Alejandro Rivera Mesias , Alessio Saretto , Anavir Shermon , Frederico Siano , Simon Siegenthaler , Kirti Sinha , Shujing Sun , Xiaoxiao Tang , Shervin Tehrani , Ashwin Venkataraman , Christian Von-Drathen , Gavin Wang , Guihua Wang , Hongchang Wang , Mengxin Wang , Pingle Wang , Nicole West , Junfeng Wu , Steven Xiao , Wensi Zhang , Yingjie Zhang , Hongda Zhong
Professors of Practice: Gregory Ballew , Tiffany A. Bortz , Ranavir Bose , Alexander Edsel , Charles Haseman , David Parks , Rajiv Shah , Ramesh Subramoniam , Donald Taylor , Keith Thurgood
Clinical Professors: John Barden , Britt Berrett , Abhijit Biswas , Shawn Carraher , Larry Chasteen , Paul Convery , Tevfik Dalgic , Howard Dover , John Gamino , Randall S. Guttery , William Hefley , Robert Hicks , Robert Kaiser , Marilyn Kaplan , Van Latham , Sonia Leach , Peter Lewin , Jeffrey Manzi , John McCracken , Diane S. McNulty , Larry Norton , Divakar Rajamani , Daniel Rajaratnam , Kannan Ramanathan , Prakash Shrivastava , Mark Thouin , McClain Watson , Jeff Weekley , Habte Woldu , Fang Wu
Clinical Associate Professors: Shawn Alborz , Judd Bradbury , Dawn Owens , Parneet Pahwa , Carolyn Reichert , Avanti P. Sethi , Ramesh Subramoniam , Aysegul Toptal , David Widdifield
Clinical Assistant Professors: Athena Alimirzaei , Christina (Krysta) Betanzos , Moran Blueshtein , Jerome Gafford , Jeffery (Jeff) Hicks , Dupinderjeet Kaur , Revansiddha Khanapure , Kristen Lawson , Liping Ma , Ravi Narayan , Parneet Pahwa , Jason Parker , Drew Peabody , Nassim Sohaee
Senior Lecturer: Juliann Chapman
Professor Emeritus: R. Chandrasekaran
Associate Professors Emeriti: J. Richard Harrison , Jane Salk , David J. Springate
Professors of Instruction: Shawn Alborz , Semiramis Amirpour , Mary Beth Goodrich , Jennifer G. Johnson , Chris Linsteadt , Suzette Plaisance Bryan , Matt Polze , Luell (Lou) Thompson
Associate Professors of Instruction: Khatereh Ahadi , Vivek Arora , Judd Bradbury , Monica E. Brussolo , Anita Dale , Amal El-Ashmawi , Negin Enayaty Ahangar , Ayfer Gurun , Maria Hasenhuttl , Julie Haworth , Thomas (Tom) Henderson , Jennifer G. Johnson , Sarmann Kennedyd , Kathryn Lookadoo , Carol Marcus-Rehtmeyer , Sarah Moore , Mohammad Naseri Taheri , Hirofumi Nishi , Parneet Pahwa , Gary Reichmuth , Daniel Sibley , Agnieszka Skuza , Tristan Whalen , Hubert Zydorek
Assistant Professors of Instruction: Emily Choi , Negin Enayaty Ahangar , Daniel Karnuta , Joseph Mauriello , Victoria D. McCrady , Hien Thu Nguyen , Rasoul Ramezani , Gaurav Shekhar , Serena Xiao
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program provides students with a broad managerial education drawing from all business disciplines. The Jindal School of Management offers several approaches to obtaining an MBA degree.
The MS in Accounting (MS ACCT) degree program enables students to tailor their degree in preparation for specific career goals by selecting electives from various fields, including corporate accounting, assurance services, taxation services, internal audit, and governmental accounting. The Jindal School of Management offers two options (see the program details).
The MS in Business Analytics (MS BUAN) is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree program that addresses the collection, management and analysis of data using information technology tools and sophisticated mathematical models that can provide deep business insights for formulating and implementing business strategies. The Jindal School of Management offers two options (see the program details).
The MS in Energy Management (MS EM) is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree program that trains students in the fundamentals of global energy markets and provides them with skills necessary to make managerial decisions faced by diverse energy companies. The curriculum addresses concepts related to economics, finance, business strategy, risk management, public policy, technology and energy supply chain with the objective of identifying challenges and opportunities.
The MS in Finance (MS FIN) is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree program that provides students with the practical and theoretical knowledge needed by finance professionals. Students learn the quantitative skills required to analyze financial information, make financial decisions and valuations, select and analyze portfolios and manage risk. The program is designed for students with or without previous educational background in finance. The Jindal School of Management offers two options (see the program details).
The MS in Financial Technology and Analytics (MS FTEC) is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) cohort degree program that requires a minimum of 36 semester credit hours. This Fintech program provides students with the practical and theoretical knowledge needed to pursue careers involving digital financial technologies and financial data analytics. The program is designed for students with or without previous educational background in finance, but with a proclivity toward more computer-based approaches to financial issues.
The MS in Healthcare Leadership and Management (MS HMGT) prepares students for roles in the leadership and management of the U.S. healthcare industry by building a foundation in advanced business management theory and practice with an understanding of the structure, operation, and financing of the U.S. healthcare system. The Jindal School of Management offers four options (see the program details).
The MS in Information Technology and Management (MS ITM) is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree program that prepares students to apply information technology to business problems and create efficient and effective solutions. The MS ITM is available as an on-campus or an online degree program and also offers opportunities for students to concentrate in specific tracks, depending on their interests and goals.
The MS in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MS IE) prepares students for successful business careers in entrepreneurial new ventures, entrepreneurial finance (venture capital/private equity), or innovation-related roles in mature organizations (product planning, product marketing, product development, and more). The program offers two options: the Innovation within the Corporation concentration and the New Venture concentration, which includes the Startup Launch specialty as a separate option. The program provides a solid foundation in the management disciplines essential to innovation, with specific focus on the tools, techniques and skills required to develop and lead product, service and business-model innovation.
The MS in International Management Studies (MS IMS) degree program provides relevant knowledge and training in international management, which includes trade across national boundaries, management practices within multinational firms and international organizations. The program provides students the opportunity to learn the (1) functional areas of management, (2) international management practices and strategies, and (3) cultural, sociopolitical and geographical constraints affecting international business decisions.
The MS in Management Science (MS MSc) is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree program that is highly flexible and customizable and provides students the opportunity for specialized education in a specific management discipline by designing a program of study that fits their specific needs. Students choose their own course of study, selecting a variety of elective courses and concentrations to gain an in-depth knowledge of a specific business area. The MS MSc is available as an on-campus or an online degree program.
The MS in Marketing (MS MKT) program prepares students seeking higher level positions in marketing and/or pursuing a graduate program to further advance their marketing knowledge. The MS in Marketing program offers five specialized tracks: advertising and branding, digital advertising and marketing, marketing analytics and insights, product management, and a general track of marketing management track.
The MS in Supply Chain Management (MS SCM) is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree program that explores the key issues associated with the design and management of industrial supply chains, sourcing, production and logistics and provides students with advanced knowledge on how to identify, resolve, and manage such complex operational problems. Students acquire not only the crucial knowledge of business management but also analytical decision-making skills along with real-life experiences gained through industry projects with area companies. The MS SCM is available as an on-campus or an online degree program.
The MS in Systems Engineering and Management (MS SEM) is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree program that teaches both technical and human-centered courses. The program is taught in two formats - (a) Professional and (b) Traditional. The Professional format is directed towards students with three or more years of professional experience, as well as corporate employees, or those presently working and hence can attend classes only on weekends or evenings. The traditional format is meant for regular full-time students with less than three years of work experience, and those presently not working and hence can attend classes during the weekday. Target industries for the program include aerospace and defense, business and data analytics, control and mechatronics, cybersecurity and information assurance, energy and infrastructure, enterprise and data management, entrepreneurship and innovation management, global supply chain and operations management, healthcare systems, optimization theory and operations research, telecom, IT and multimedia networks, and transportation.
Combined/Joint Degree Programs
The MD/MBA program is a joint effort of the school of medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center and the Naveen Jindal School of Management. Students usually complete the first three years of the medical curriculum (all basic science courses and third-year clinical rotations) and then take a one-year leave of absence from the medical school to complete the business curriculum. Students then return to the medical school for completion of the medial curriculum in the required fourth-year clinical clerkships and electives. At the end of the five years, the medical degree will be awarded by UT Southwestern and the MBA by UT Dallas.
The MS EE/MBA is a unique combined master's degree program, graduate students may earn an MS EE degree from the Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science in combination with an MBA, or an MS degree from the Naveen Jindal School of Management. This combined degree program is ideal for students interested in managing new technologies, from conceptualization and development to introduction and production. Students must meet the admission requirements in both schools and have an advisor in both schools. The combination of MS EE and MBA degrees can be earned by completing a minimum of 68 graduate semester credit hours, compared to 86 semester credit hours if completing the two degrees separately. The combination of MS EE and MS degrees can be earned by completing a minimum of 51 semester credit hours beyond prerequisites, compared to 69 semester credit hours if completing the two degrees separately.
The joint Executive MS SEM/MBA degree program at the Naveen Jindal School of Management and the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science provides both deep knowledge in SEM and all areas of management with an enhanced worldwide perspective of business leadership for increasing productivity, efficiency and profitability. The program is suitable for experienced graduate students seasoned by three or more years as workforce professionals who seek a more comprehensive education in technical skills as well as broad-based business-leadership capabilities for the global economy. A joint MS SEM/MBA degree is also available to regular full-time students in the traditional format of the program. In the joint program, students can earn both degrees with a minimum of 63 semester credit hours.
MS/MBA Double Degree Requirements
The MS/MBA double degree provides an opportunity for students to potentially share coursework between two degrees while taking advantage of time and tuition benefits. Students interested in this option will pursue the Professional MBA Flex program with a Master of Science program. Students enrolled in the MS/MBA double degree program must maintain a core, degree, and cumulative GPA of 3.0 in both programs to qualify for both degrees. In addition, MS/MBA students must complete both programs at the same time to be awarded both degrees. In the MS/MBA double degree, students can earn both degrees with a minimum of 63 semester credit hours.
Double Degree Master of Science Options*:
*All MS degrees are not fully available online.
PhD Programs
The PhD in International Management Studies provides the opportunity to conduct research in the analysis of international business, emphasizing a strong foundation in theory and research in organizations and strategy. International Management Studies focuses on the analysis of organizations, industries and markets as interdependent systems, stressing structural, strategic, environmental, and international considerations and their implications for management. Topics such as corporate strategy, international business, multinational management, organization design and change, technological and industrial development, and managerial decision-making are examined using management theories and empirical methods.
The PhD in Management Science provides the opportunity to conduct research in a functional business area to contribute to the knowledge in that field with respect to its intellectual content or professional practice. The Naveen Jindal School of Management defines Management Science as the use of economics, behavioral science, mathematics and statistics to conduct rigorous scientific research. It encompasses both theory and empirical analysis. Management Science embraces areas of specialization such as accounting, finance, information systems, marketing and operations management. It has no clear boundaries among the various areas, places emphasis on science, and is not constrained by the culture of individual disciplines. It is the underlying orientation of science and integration that distinguishes Management Science from other philosophies and approaches to the study of management.
Both doctoral programs offer preparation for academic and/or research positions in universities, with organizations such as the World Bank, and in industry, both in the United States and in other countries.
Executive Education Programs
The Naveen Jindal School of Management also offers Executive Education degree programs. Executive Education MBA programs are offered for students with eight years of experience. These include (1) the Executive MBA program, (2) the Global Leadership Executive MBA is a hybrid program with both classroom and distance learning with a focus on exploring geographic regions, entering in new geographic markets and leading and executing in those markets, (3) the Executive MBA with emphasis in project management that highlights managing complex projects, (4) the Executive MBA with concentration in Product Lifecycle and Supply Chain Management, and (5) the Healthcare Leadership and Management Executive MBA for physicians interested in learning how to improve the leadership and management of their organizations. Students in Executive Education programs are assessed program-related fees beyond those charged to other graduate students to cover the additional costs of unique scheduling, events and services associated with these programs. Each of these programs requires a minimum 53 semester credit hours to graduate.
The Naveen Jindal School of Management opened its 203,000 square-foot JSOM I building in Fall 2003. The three wings, arranged around a courtyard, provide classrooms, meeting rooms, office space, and state-of-the-art wireless access to the Internet throughout the facility. JSOM II building, opened in December 2014 with an additional 108,000 square feet of space.
Admission Requirements to Master's Programs
Please visit the University's general admission criteria for the graduate programs. The following factors are considered in arriving at an admission decision:
Applications are due in the Admissions Office 90 days prior to registration for international students and 45 days prior to registration for all other students. Students are admitted three times per year and can start their studies during any one of the three semesters. Students may apply for the Dean's Excellence Scholarship, which provides financial support in the form of scholarships.
Admission Requirements to Full-time (Cohort) MBA program: In addition to the factors required for admission to the evening programs, admission to the Full-time, Cohort MBA program requires the capability to perform well in a fast-paced, team-oriented curriculum. Applicants are admitted based on a composite evaluation of the submitted measures of performance which include GPA, recommendation letter, and work experience, as well as initiative and interest suggested through essays. A GRE/GMAT test score is not required, and students have the option to submit a test score if desired. A GRE/GMAT test score will only be used for admission purposes if one is provided by the applicant. Students are admitted each fall.
Admission Requirements to Executive MBA programs: Admissions are based on academic transcripts, a personal essay, three letters of recommendation, professional growth and experience and the potential that they will bring to the cohort. Students must have eight years of business experience with relevant managerial or/and international experience. A GRE/GMAT test score is not required, and students have the option to submit a test score if desired. A GRE/GMAT test score will only be used for admission purposes if one is provided by the applicant. Each applicant will interview with the program director.
Admission Requirements of the Executive Track Master of Science in Healthcare Leadership and Management for Physicians and the Healthcare Management Executive MBA for Physicians are an MD or DO degree from an accredited School of Medicine or School of Osteopathy, a copy of a current unrestricted license to practice medicine in the U.S. and a Medical School transcript.
Admission Requirements of the Executive Track Master of Science in Healthcare Leadership and Management for Healthcare Professionals and the Healthcare Management MBA for Healthcare Professionals are a Bachelor's degree from an accredited undergraduate school; letters of recommendation; statement of personal and educational objectives; professional certifications or licensure if applicable and a personal interview at the discretion of the program director.
Admission Requirements to Master of Science in Systems Engineering and Management (SEM): The Executive MS SEM is primarily for working professionals with at least three years of professional experience who can enroll only in cohort classes specially offered late on Fridays and on Saturdays. Typical students also have a bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, math, physics, chemistry, economics or finance. The Traditional MS SEM is primarily for full-time students who can enroll in regularly offered weekday and weekday evening classes. A GRE/GMAT test score is not required, and students have the option to submit a test score if desired. A GRE/GMAT test score will only be used for admission purposes if one is provided by the applicant. Typical students have a bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, math, physics, chemistry, economics or finance.
Admission Requirements to Non-Degree Seeking Students: Students may be admitted as non-degree seeking students. To be admitted as a non-degree seeking student, students will have to meet all the admission requirements specified for degree-seeking students including relevant test scores (TOEFL). A GRE/GMAT test score is not required, and students have the option to submit a test score if desired. A GRE/GMAT test score will only be used for admission purposes if one is provided by the applicant. Students who want to switch to degree-seeking status, will have to apply to the degree program. If they are admitted, at most six credits taken as a non-degree seeking student can be transferred to the degree program.
Academic Certificate Application and Completion Requirements:
Students interested in pursuing an academic certificate must formally apply and be admitted to the certificate program at least one semester prior to completing all coursework in the certificate program. Currently enrolled students apply via the Student Center in Orion under "Apply to a Certificate Program." Prospective students who have not yet matriculated must submit an application as a non-degree seeking student using the UT Dallas Graduate Application Portal prior to enrolling in certificate coursework. Furthermore, all students pursuing a certificate must submit an application to graduate from the certificate program in the semester in which they complete their certificate coursework. Contact JSOM Graduate Advising for instructions on how to submit an application to graduate from a certificate program. Failing to apply to graduate from a certificate program in the semester in which all certificate coursework is completed may result in the assessment of additional fees.
Additional Master's Degrees
Students at the Naveen Jindal School of Management are encouraged to pursue additional master's degrees at The University of Texas at Dallas. To the extent that the requirements of some master's degrees overlap, some of the semester credit hours taken in pursuit of previously earned master's degrees at UT Dallas may be counted toward an additional master's degree. The only limitation is that more than one-half of the semester credit hours for any master's degree earned at UT Dallas must be satisfied by new coursework. A student is required to develop an approved plan of studies through the department or program offering the master's degree prior to enrolling in that degree. Similarly, a student wishing to earn two master's degrees concurrently must develop an approved plan of studies through both relevant departments and programs. All coursework for any degree must meet the academic standards of that degree.
Admissions Consideration for Applicants with Three-Year Undergraduate Degrees
Applicants with three-year undergraduate degrees will be considered for admission into our MS and MBA programs. Their candidacy will be reviewed holistically considering all of the following variables: Admission test scores, English proficiency scores if applicable, undergraduate grade point average, official transcripts from all previous institutions, undergraduate degree major and awarding institution, resume, recommendations and personal objective statement.
Substitutions and Transfers of Credit
Substitutions of program requirements may be granted in recognition of previous coursework taken in a specific business program area. Substitutions allow students to skip a core course and take the next higher level course in that area with no reduction in the overall program semester credit hour requirements. Transfers of credit may be granted for equivalent graduate coursework taken at other universities with a grade of "B" or better within the past six years. Substitutions must be approved by the program director and the area coordinator and the Dean of Graduate Education. The total number of transfers of credit toward the completion of a master's degree cannot exceed nine semester credit hours toward the MS degree, and 12 semester credit hours toward the MBA degree. Applications for approval of substitutions and transfers of credit may be obtained in and submitted to the Naveen Jindal School of Management Advising Office.
Prerequisites for Graduate Programs
Students pursuing graduate programs require to complete one semester credit hour of Professional Development course (except MS Accounting, MS Accounting Cohort, MS Finance Cohort, MS Financial Engineering and Risk Management and MBA programs). In addition, knowledge of calculus is a requirement for certain programs (see individual degree programs for details). Students who have not completed an undergraduate calculus course may satisfy the prerequisite by completing OPRE 6303 Quantitative Foundations of Business with a grade of "B" or better. Degree credit is not earned for program prerequisites, however, the grade achieved in OPRE 6303 will count toward the student's grade-point average (GPA). Prerequisites must be satisfied within the first 12 semester credit hours of graduate study as a degree-seeking student.