UT Dallas 2024 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Policies and Procedures

Student Travel Policy

The University of Texas at Dallas promotes safe travel by students to and from activities or events within the scope of the University's mission. Before traveling, it is beneficial to review the travel policy about domestic and foreign travel, emergency procedures, insurance, and liability; and to obtain authorization by completing travel authorization forms and other related forms at least 5 working days prior to travel. Procedures also apply to faculty, staff, and students who transport students off campus on any university-organized and university-sponsored travel business or related travel activities for student organizations.

Student Travel to International Locations

Students representing UT Dallas through participation in a UT Dallas International Education program, or for international events such as conferences, workshops, or sports competitions, are required to complete international travel procedures, including trip registration, and to receive institutional travel authorization prior to departure. Travel to high risk regions requires review and authorization through the UT Dallas International Oversight Committee (IOC). Students that have obtained institutional travel authorization are enrolled in the International Travel Insurance Plan. Enrollment in this insurance program is mandatory, regardless of any other insurance the students may have, including insurance possibly required by an affiliate study abroad program or a foreign government. Students traveling abroad for an approved International Education program, must also complete the International Education Application process prior to departure.

Detailed information regarding this policy, in accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 51.950, can be accessed at the UT Dallas Policy Navigator, policy.utdallas.edu/utdbp3023, and at legal.utdallas.edu/risk-insurance/travel-related-risk.

International Risk and Safety is located in the Student Services Building, SSB 3.200. More information can be found at ie.utdallas.edu/rs or by calling 972-883-4715.

Updated: 2024-05-19 13:08:33 v2.ffb810