UT Dallas 2024 Graduate Catalog

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Department of Sustainable Earth Systems Sciences


The objective of the Department of Sustainable Earth Systems Sciences (SESS) Graduate Program is to provide students with a broad fundamental background in earth and environmental sciences, as well as an in-depth emphasis in one of several specialties.

The Master of Science degree (thesis option) is designed for students desiring research experience in a specific area of earth sciences. This degree will prepare the student for professional employment in industry or government in the natural resources sectors (energy, minerals, groundwater...), or the environmental sciences, as well as those preparing for a doctoral degree. The Master of Science degree (non-thesis option) is designed for students who are employed or seek employment in the natural resources or environmental sectors, and the application of Geospatial Information Sciences (GIS).

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Geosciences emphasizes fundamental research in one of the specialties in earth sciences (geophysics, geology, groundwater, environmental...) and is designed to prepare students for advanced positions in the natural resources and environmental science sectors in industry, government, or in academia.

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Geospatial Information Sciences (GIS) is supported by the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, the Department of Sustainable Earth Systems Sciences, and the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science. This PhD degree reflects geospatial information science at the confluence of work in multiple disciplines. The degree focuses on advancement of the technology, its associated theory, and the enhancement of its applications. Graduates of this program will be well suited to advanced positions in the geospatial technology industry and academic positions.


Departmental research facilities include digital imaging petrographic microscopes, rock preparation and mineral separation facilities. Separate research facilities for computing, geophysics, hydrology, geochemistry, educational filmmaking, and microimaging/microanalysis are described below.

Computing Facilities

The Department of Sustainable Earth Systems Sciences has a large number of networked Windows/PC and Unix/Linux workstations in several laboratories generally accessible to the students and faculty. A number of laser printers are available, including a color printer. A large format HP 2500CP printer/plotter is available for creating maps and posters. A variety of software licenses are supported for GIS, remote sensing, image processing, geophysical and pre-stack seismic data processing, graphics and visualization. High Performance Computational (HPC) seismic modeling, imaging and inversion is supported by a state-of-the-art Linux Optane cluster (576 Skylake cores, 41 Tflop/s, 15 TB shared memory, 15 TB local cluster disk, 100+ TB high-speed network disk, 56 Gbps Infiniband connectivity). The Dept also has access to UT Dallas shared supercomputing facilities (Ganymede, Titan, Europa), and the UT System-wide supercomputing facilities at TACC.

Hydrology Laboratory

Field equipment for measuring ground and surface water flow and chemistry, including borehole bailers, electric water level meter, FlowProbe hand-held flow meter, Hach DREL 2010 Basic Water Quality Lab (field spectrophotometer, pH and salinity meters), and YSI-85 DO/salinity/conductivity meter. Software for modeling water flow and transport, including general interfaces GMS and WMS, Hydrus-2D (unsaturated flow and transport), TOUGH2 and Tetrad (2-3D multiphase flow and transport), and many public-domain models. Hardware and software for visualizing model results, including Windows and Linux workstations.

Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory

The research facilities of the Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory include several laboratories for sample preparation and sample analysis. This includes fume hoods, refrigerators, -80 C freezers, research grade quality water supply (type-1 water system), Orion Versa Star Pro pH/EH/T benchtop meter, precision balances, analytical balances, digital rotors, digital rockers and vortex mixers, advanced shakers, magnetic stirrer hotplates, and Multifuge X4FR Pro high speed refrigerated centrifuge and rotors. The school is fully equipped with a series of analytical instruments including trace element analysis, stable isotope measurements, NMR and XRD analysis.

Geophysics Facilities

Geophysical research is supported by two Scintrex CG-5 Gravimeters, and both Geometrics proton-procession and cesium vapor total field Magnetometer systems. An AGI SuperSting R1/IP DC resistivity and induced polarization system is available for near surface electrical conductivity mapping. Seismic and radar equipment include a Geometrics 48-channel floating point seismic acquisition system with Betsy, hammer, and explosive sources for shallow to deep exploration; and pulse EKKO IV, 1000 and PRO ground penetrating radars. The department has plans to purchase a seismometer array of 3C 5Hz autonomous nodes in the near future. A variety of surveying instruments are available including a TOPCON imaging station, two Laser Atlanta Advantage CI reflectorless laser rangefinders, a Riegl VZ400 laser scanner, seven dual frequency Leica Viva RTK GPS systems, two dual frequency Topcon HyperLite RTK GPS systems (4 receivers), nine dual frequency Leica SR9500 GPS receiver systems with choke-ring antennas, a Trimble GeoXT GPS system, a Trimble GeoHT GPS system and GPS post-processing.

Geoscience Studio

The Geoscience Studio (GSS) trains students to make videos and animations about a variety of Earth science and other topics. Video-making equipment includes cameras, microphones, lights, computers with video-editing software, and a small recording studio. All videos are posted on the GSS YouTube channel "UTD Geoscience Studio".

Micro-Imaging Lab

The Micro-imaging Lab analyzes and images natural materials at several scales, using multiple pieces of equipment: 1) Photography station, macro and micro, with a camera stand, consisting of a digital camera on an adjustable stand with good lighting and a binocular and petrographic microscope with digital cameras, connected to an external PC. 2) Two Leica microscopes for examining thin sections and other materials prior to digital capture. 3) Giga-Macro: A digital camera with zoom lens and computer software that combines focal stacking, image stitching, and 3D depth-maps for very high-resolution imaging of thin sections and samples of 1-10 cm in size. 4) JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with EDS. 5) Thermo ARL Equinor 100 Benchtop X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD). 6) Thermo-Fisher DX4 Laser Raman with microscope. 7) A Thermo Niton XL3t 955 handheld X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF).

Admission Requirements

The University's general admission requirements are discussed on the Graduate Admission page.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to take the GRE General Test (Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing). A combined score of no less than 300 on the Verbal and Quantitative portions of the exam is advisable based on our experience with student success in the program.

Entering students are expected to have completed the equivalent of the University's BS degree in Geosciences, including courses in physics, mathematics and chemistry. Students whose undergraduate training is in a science other than geology or geophysics are admitted to the program when their previous course work complements or supports their intended research interests. Deficiencies in the undergraduate background of admitted students will be addressed through a sequence of three required graduate courses. It is understood that the minimum course requirements for the intended degree, as specified below, apply to well-prepared students.

Degree Requirements

The University's general degree requirements are discussed on the Graduate Policies and Procedures page.

Additional requirements are specified below for each degree.

Master of Science in Geosciences

36 semester credit hours minimum

Department Faculty

Professors: David Hyndman, David Lumley, Robert J. Stern

Associate Professor: Thomas H. Brikowski

Assistant Professors: Kristina Butler, Nadine Igonin, Zachary Sickmann, Yujie Zheng, dal138778, dal146814

Professors Emeriti: John F. Ferguson, John W. Geissman, William I. Manton, George A. McMechan

Professors of Instruction: Ignacio Pujana

Associate Professor of Instruction: William R. Griffin

Assistant Professor of Instruction: Mortaza Pirouz

Thesis Option

All students seeking the Master of Science degree (thesis option) must satisfactorily complete the following requirements (a minimum of 36 graduate semester credit hours):

GEOS 5315 The Earth: An Overview

GEOS 5375 Tectonics

GEOS 5387 Applied Geophysics

Additional coursework:

A minimum of 18 semester credit hours of additional graduate-level graded lecture courses.


A minimum of 6 semester credit hours of thesis research, 3-hour research course GEOS 6398 Thesis, and submit an acceptable thesis.

In addition to the above requirements, students seeking the MS degree (thesis option) must submit, no later than the second semester of enrollment, an acceptable degree plan, and a research proposal to their supervising committee. Upon completion of the thesis research, the MS degree candidate will publicly defend the thesis.

Non-Thesis Option

All students seeking the Master of Science degree (non-thesis option) must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 36 graduate semester credit hours including the specified Geosciences courses below.

GEOS 5315 The Earth: An Overview

GEOS 5375 Tectonics

GEOS 5387 Applied Geophysics

Additional coursework:

A minimum of 24 semester credit hours of additional graduate courses, including at least 18 hours of graduate-level graded lecture courses, to be selected in consultation with the graduate advisor.


An 8000 level, 3-semester credit hour research course and submit a 10-page research paper, to be approved by research supervisor and graduate advisor.

In addition to the above requirements, students seeking the MS degree (non-thesis option) must submit, no later than the second semester of enrollment, an acceptable degree plan.

Master of Science in Geospatial Information Sciences

36 semester credit hours minimum

NSM Faculty

Professor: David J. Lary

Associate Professors: Thomas H. Brikowski, Hejun Zhu

EPPS Faculty

Professors: Yongwan Chun, Daniel A. Griffith, Dohyeong Kim, David J. Lary, Fang Qiu, May Yuan

Associate Professor: Michael Tiefelsdorf

Assistant-Professor: Elías Cisneros

Professor Emeriti: Ronald Briggs

Associate-Professor-of-Instruction: Muhammad Rahman

Lecturer: Bryan Chastain


The Master of Science in Geospatial Information Sciences (MGIS) is a professional program that is offered jointly by the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences and the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The program focuses on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and associated technologies such as remote sensing and global positioning systems for managing spatially referenced information. Students are provided with the concepts underlying GIS, the skills for implementing GIS projects in public and private sector organizations, and the ability to use GIS in pure or applied research in substantive areas. Prospective students should apply using established procedures to either Geosciences or the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences depending on their background.

For the Master's degree in Geospatial Information Sciences, beginning students are expected to have completed college mathematics through calculus and at least one programming or computer applications course or possess equivalent knowledge. Students must have the equivalent of GISC 6381 Geographic Information Systems Fundamentals and GISC 6382 Applied Geographic Information Systems, or they must take these courses at UT Dallas in addition to the 36 semester credit hours required for the MGIS. Additional details of the curriculum can be found under "Master of Science in Geospatial Information Sciences," in the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences section of the catalog.

Doctor of Philosophy in Geosciences

75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree

Department Faculty

Professors: David Hyndman, David Lumley, Robert J. Stern

Associate Professor: Thomas H. Brikowski

Assistant Professors: Kristina Butler, Nadine Igonin, Zachary Sickmann, Yujie Zheng, dal138778, dal146814

Professors Emeriti: John F. Ferguson, John W. Geissman, William I. Manton, George A. McMechan


GEOS 5315 The Earth: An Overview

GEOS 5375 Tectonics

GEOS 5387 Applied Geophysics

A minimum of 21 semester credit hours of additional graduate-level graded lecture courses to be specified by the student's research supervisory committee and the graduate advisor.

A minimum of 36 semester credit hours of additional graduate-level graded lecture courses or research.

A minimum of 6 semester credit hours of thesis research, GEOS 8399 Dissertation, and submit an acceptable dissertation.

In addition to the above course requirements, students seeking the PhD degree must submit an acceptable degree plan and research proposal describing the intended project to be completed for the dissertation.

Students entering with a master's should complete this proposal in the third semester; students entering without a master's have until the fourth semester. An oral qualifying examination covering the broad background and detailed knowledge relating to the student's specialization and research proposal will be held in the same semester that the proposal is submitted. After satisfactory performance on the Qualifying Examination, the student will complete and publicly defend the dissertation.

Also, see the University's general degree requirements. Please note that more detailed instructions for Geosciences Graduate students are given in the "Guidelines for Graduate Students - Geosciences" that is available in the Geosciences office and on the website.

Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Information Sciences

75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree

NSM Faculty

Associate Professors: Thomas H. Brikowski, Hejun Zhu

EPPS Faculty

Professors: Yongwan Chun, Daniel A. Griffith, Dohyeong Kim, David J. Lary, Fang Qiu, May Yuan

Associate Professor: Michael Tiefelsdorf

Assistant-Professor: Elías Cisneros

Professors Emeriti: Ronald Briggs

Associate-Professor-of-Instruction: Muhammad Rahman

Lecturer: Bryan Chastain

ECS Faculty

Professors: Xiaohu Guo, Latifur Khan, Weili Wu

Professor Emeritus: Kang Zhang


The Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Information Sciences is an advanced degree offered jointly by the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science. Geospatial information is a unifying theme across a wide range of disciplines and the unique organization of this program permits a diverse range of expertise to the prospective student. The PhD in GIS is intended to go beyond the MS in GIS degree in terms of analysis, the creation of new technology, and the novel application of geospatial information technology. This program will prepare students for leadership positions in academy, industry or government.

Individual students can concentrate in particular discipline areas. The Earth Sciences component focuses on remote sensing and mapping technologies, including global positioning satellite and three-dimensional laser ranging based data capture as well as other imaging technologies. In particular, these methodologies are applied to geological, hydrological, and environmental problems associated with the physical Earth.

It is expected that students will enter this program with diverse educational backgrounds. Applicants may have bachelor's, master's or advanced degrees in any relevant field including computer science, economics, engineering, geography, geology, information system management, resource management, geographical information science, and possibly others. At least a bachelor's degree from an institution of higher education with an undergraduate/graduate grade point average of 3.25 or better is required. A GRE score of 300 or higher for the combined quantitative and verbal components is desirable. Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Please see detailed degree requirements under "Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Information Sciences," listed in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics section of the catalog.


Graduate Certificate in Geophysics

9 semester credit hours

A Graduate Certificate in Geophysics is offered by the Department of Sustainable Earth Systems Sciences in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

The focus of the Certificate in Geophysicsis is to equip science and engineering graduate students with the extra skills and knowledge needed to be successful in mid-level and senior career opportunities involving Geophysics, and also prepare those who may be interested in pursuing a future PhD Geophysics research degree program.

Admission Requirements

Undergraduate degree in science or engineering discipline with one semester of calculus and one semester of physics.

Certificate Requirements

Choose one course from the following: 3 semester credit hours

GEOS 5387 Applied Geophysics

GEOS 6392 Exploration Seismology

GEOS 6394 Time-lapse Seismology

GEOS 6396 Seismic Inversion

Choose one course from the following: 3 semester credit hours

GEOS 5335 Introductory Seismology

GEOS 5336 Computational Geophysics

GEOS 5337 Seismic Interferometry

Choose one course from the following: 3 semester credit hours

GEOS 5328 Imaging Radar: Principles and Geophysical Applications

GEOS 5334 Induced Seismicity

Updated: 2024-05-14 14:04:10 v6.ba4e64