UT Dallas 2024 Graduate Catalog

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NS&M) houses six departments, each with graduate programs: Biological Sciences (MS, PhD); Chemistry and Biochemistry (MS, PhD); Geosciences (MS, PhD); Mathematical Sciences, emphasizing Applied Mathematics and Statistics and Actuarial Science (MS, PhD); Physics (MS, PhD); and Science and Mathematics Education (Master of Arts in Teaching). In addition, there are three interdisciplinary degrees offered: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (MS) and Geospatial Information Sciences (MS, PhD). Each program is relatively small and thus able to provide excellent graduate student - faculty contact, while maintaining a strong research program. Increasingly, departments interact with each other in research, allowing interdisciplinary efforts to flourish. A number of well-funded Research Centers and Institutes are also housed in NS&M; these allow graduate students to approach real world, cutting edge research problems while working side by side with professional research staff and internationally recognized faculty. They are: the Center for Applied Biology; the Center for Lithospheric Studies; the UT Dallas NanoTech Institute; the Center for Quantum Electronics; and the Center for Space Sciences.

Degrees Offered

Biological Sciences

Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Master of Science in Biotechnology (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Master of Science in Molecular and Cell Biology (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular and Cell Biology (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Master of Science in Chemistry (30 semester credit hours minimum)

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)


Master of Science in Geosciences (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Master of Science in Geospatial Information Sciences (36 semester credit hours minimum)1

Doctor of Philosophy in Geosciences (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)

Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Information Sciences (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)2

Mathematical Sciences

Master of Science in Actuarial Science (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Master of Science in Mathematics (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Master of Science in Data Science and Statistics (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)

Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science and Statistics (75 semester credit hours beyond the baccalaureate degree)


Master of Science in Physics (30 semester credit hours minimum)

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)

Science and Mathematics Education

Master of Arts in Teaching in Science Education (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Master of Arts in Teaching in Mathematics Education (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Interdisciplinary Studies

Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Master of Science in Geospatial Information Sciences (36 semester credit hours minimum)

Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Information Sciences (75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree)

Certificates Offered

  • Certificate in Data Science (12 semester credit hours)
  • Certificate in Genomics (12-13 semester credit hours)
  • Certificate in Geophysics (9 semester credit hours)
  • Certificate in Quantum Information (12 semester credit hours)
  • 1. The Master of Science in Geospatial Information Sciences Program is jointly offered by the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences and School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

    2. The Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Information Sciences Program is jointly offered by the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, and School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.


    Professors: Phillip C. Anderson, Kenneth J. Balkus Jr., Ray H. Baughman, Swati Biswas, Lunjin Chen, Min Chen, Pankaj Choudhary, Gerardo Cisneros, Baris Coskunuzer, Mieczyslaw Dabkowski, Vladimir Dragovic, Shengwang Du, Sam Efromovich, John P. Ferraris, Yulia Gel, Matthew J. Goeckner, Juan E. González, David Hyndman, Mustapha Ishak-Boushaki, Michael Kesden, Wieslaw Krawcewicz, David J. Lary, Mark Lee, Xinchou Lou, David Lumley, Roger Malina, Anton V. Malko, Susan Minkoff, Inga H. Musselman, Bruce M. Novak, Kelli Palmer, L. Felipe Pereira, Dmitry Rachinskiy, Viswanath Ramakrishna, Lawrence J. Reitzer, A. Dean Sherry, Donal Skinner, Jason D. Slinker, Stephen Spiro, Mihaela C. Stefan, Robert J. Stern, Janos Turi, Robert M. Wallace, Anvar A. Zakhidov, Bei Zeng, Chuanwei Zhang, Fan Zhang, Li Zhang, Michael Qiwei Zhang, Jie Zheng, John Zweck

    Associate Professors: Jung-Mo Ahn, Maxim Arnold, Michael C. Biewer, Joseph Boll, Thomas H. Brikowski, Mehmet Candas, Yan Cao, Sheena D'Arcy, Fabiano Da Silveira Rodrigues, Nicole De Nisco, Nikki Delk, Gregg R. Dieckmann, Sheel Dodani, Heng Du, Yuri Gartstein, Jeremiah J. Gassensmith, Warren J. Goux, Liang Hong, Tian Hong, Michael Kesden, Tae Hoon Kim, Lindsay J. King, Michael Kolodrubetz, Lloyd Lumata, Bing Lv, Oleg Makarenkov, Gabriele Meloni, Faruck Morcos, Steven O. Nielsen, Tomoki Ohsawa, Paul Pantano, Kaloyan Penev, John W. Sibert IV, Ronald A. Smaldone, Anh Tran, Mary L. Urquhart, Duane D. Winkler, Zhenyu Xuan, Xiaojia Zhang, Hejun Zhu

    Assistant Professors: Carlos Arreche, Kristina Butler, Noirrit Chandra, Ronan Conlon, Nicole De Nisco, Nikki Delk, Nicholas Dillon, Xintong Dong, Nadine Igonin, Lin Jia, Purna Joshi, Rizwanur Khan, Brandon Kim, Michael Kolodrubetz, Jiyong Lee, Qiwei Li, Stephen McKeown, Zihao Ou, Kaloyan Penev, Erica Sanchez, Darshan Sapkota, Xiaoyan Shi, Yuki Shindo, Zachary Sickmann, Aaron Smith, Chuan-Fa Tang, Ivan Vasko, Jiayi Wang, Nathan Williams, Nan Wu, Yunan Wu, Yujie Zheng, Qingyu Zhu, jxs230052, dal138778, dal146814

    Clinical Professors: Natalia Humphreys, David Murchison, Eberhard Voit

    Clinical Associate Professor: Mohammad Akbar

    Clinical Assistant Professor: Wenyi Lu

    Research Professor: Roderick A. Heelis

    Research Assistant Professors: Li Liu, Ru-Hung Wang

    Senior Lecturer: Wen-Ho Yu

    Master Teachers: Katherine (Katie) Donaldson, Floyd Dorsey, Denise Gregory, Pamela (Pam) Kirkland, Amin Lalani, James (Jim) McConnell, Megan (Kate) York

    Lecturer: Kathleen McRoy

    Professors Emeriti: Larry Ammann, Lee A. Bulla, Richard A. Caldwell, Austin J. Cunningham, John F. Ferguson, John W. Geissman, Robert Glosser, Donald M. Gray, Walter Heikkila, Ali Hooshyar, Joseph M. Izen, Cynthia Ledbetter, William I. Manton, George A. McMechan, Lynn A. Melton, Patrick Odell, Myron B. Salamon, Brian A. Tinsley, John Van Ness

    Associate Professors Emeriti: Gail A. M. Breen, Dennis L. Miller

    UT Dallas Affiliated Faculty: Leonidas Bleris, Yves J. Chabal, Kyeongjae (KJ) Cho, Sheena D'Arcy, Heng Du, John P. Ferraris, Massimo V. Fischetti, Lev D. Gelb, Heather Hayenga, Julia W. P. Hsu, Jung-whan (Jay) Kim, Stephen D. Levene, Lawrence J. Overzet, Manuel Quevedo-Lopez, A. Dean Sherry, Mary L. Urquhart, Walter E. Voit, Amy V. Walker, Anvar A. Zakhidov

    Professors of Instruction: Anatoly Eydelzon, Manjula Foley, Bentley Garrett, Yuly Koshevnik, Paul Mac Alevey, Ignacio Pujana, Scott A. Rippel, Amandeep Sra, Uma Srikanth

    Associate Professors of Instruction: Mohammad Ahsan, Kelly Aman, Mehmet Candas, Sergio Cortes, Malgorzata Dabkowski, Rabin Dahal, Sandhya R. Gavva, William R. Griffin, Vinita Hajeri, Emily Hennessy, Yu Huang, Amena Khan, Wen Lin, Meenakshi Maitra, Derege Mussa, My Linh Nguyen, Jing Pan, Jigarkumar Patel, Elizabeth Pickett, Yanping Qin, Lamya Saleh, Ilya Sapozhnikov, Julie Sutton, Michelle Wilson, Wen-Ho Yu

    Assistant Professors of Instruction: Anani Komla Adabrah, Iris Alvarado, Saikat Biswas, Stephanie Boyd, Anne Davenport, Hui Ding, Adannah Duruoha, Kemelli Estacio-Hiroms, Amy Jo Gomez, Huizhen Guo, Yi Huang, Shengjie Jiang, Roger Kadala, Joselle Kehoe, Amena Khan, Ida Klang, Li Liu, Runzhou Liu, Meenakshi Maitra, Neha Makhijani, Irina Martynova, Caitlin Maynard, Simbarashe Mazambani, Iti Mehta, Diarisoa Mihaja Rakotomalala, Adrian Murza, Ramesh Padmanabhan, Jing Pan, Nimanka Panapitiya, Ajaya Paudel, Mortaza Pirouz, Ruben Ramirez, Eva Sadat, Lamya Saleh, Subha Sarcar, Octavious Smiley, Nasrin Sultana, Stephanie Taylor, Michelle Wilson, Che-Yu Wu, Zhuoru Wu

Updated: 2023-08-15 17:08:58 v2.c07fef