UT Dallas 2024 Graduate Catalog

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science

Combination of Engineering and Management Graduate Degrees

Today's graduates aspiring to assume managerial and leadership positions in high tech firms and research institutions must be knowledgeable in both the engineering and managerial dimensions of the position. In recognition of this growing reality, UT Dallas offers a blend of courses allowing students to earn a combination of master's level degrees in both engineering and management. Specifically, graduates of this program will qualify to earn an MSEE degree in combination with an MBA or a degree in Management.


The combination of master's level degrees in both engineering and management are jointly administered by the faculty members in the Department of Electrical Engineering in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science and the Naveen Jindal School of Management.


The program of studies leading to the award of an MSEE degree by the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science in combination with one of the following master's degrees, MBA or MS, offered by the Naveen Jindal School of Management, provides intensive preparation for engineers who seek knowledge and skills necessary to manage a technology firm. This program emphasizes both Electrical Engineering and Engineering Management, preparing students for a career in management and for holding leadership positions in engineering companies and research institutions. The program of studies is ideal for students interested in managing new technologies, from conceptualization and development to introduction and production.

Admission and Degree Requirements

The University's general admission requirements are discussed on the Graduate Admission page. Students pursuing the MSEE degree in combination with a master's degree in management must meet the admission requirements for both graduate programs. The University's general degree requirements are discussed on the Graduate Policies and Procedures page. For this program of studies, the Jindal School of Management will accept a competitive GRE performance in lieu of the GMAT.

Combination of MSEE and MBA graduate degrees

68 semester credit hours minimum

ECS Faculty

Professors: Bilal Akin, Naofal Al-Dhahir, Poras T. Balsara, Dinesh Bhatia, Yun Chiu, Babak Fahimi, John P. Fonseka, Andrea Fumagalli, John H. L. Hansen, Rashaunda Henderson, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Kamran Kiasaleh, Gil S. Lee, Hoi Lee, Jin Liu, Dongsheng (Brian) Ma, Giorgos (Yiorgos) Makris, Hlaing Minn, Aria Nosratinia, Mehrdad Nourani, Kenneth K. O, Lawrence J. Overzet, Issa M. S. Panahi, Siavash Pourkamali, Mohammad Saquib, Carl Sechen, Lakshman Tamil, Murat Torlak

Associate Professors: Benjamin Carrion Schafer, Joseph Friedman, Mona Ghassemi, Chadwin D. Young

Assistant Professors: Kanad Basu, Sourav Dutta, Matthew Gardner, Ifana Mahbub, Jae Mo Park, Kaveh Shamsi

Associate Professor Emeritus: Gerald O. Burnham

Research Professors: Andrew Marshall, Hisashi (Sam) Shichijo

Professors of Instruction: James Florence, Jung Lee, Randall E. Lehmann, Tooraj Nikoubin, Miguel Razo-Razo, Ricardo E. Saad, William (Bill) Swartz, Marco Tacca

Associate Professors of Instruction: Md Ali, Diana Cogan, Matthew Heins, Rabah Mezenner, Neal Skinner

UT Dallas Afflliated Faculty: Larry Ammann, Leonidas Bleris, Fabiano Da Silveira Rodrigues, Massimo V. Fischetti, Matthew J. Goeckner, Zygmunt Haas, Kenneth Hoyt, Russell A. Hulse, Jiyoung Kim, Moon J. Kim, David J. Lary, Yaoyu Li, S.O. Reza Moheimani, Wooram Park, Robert L. Rennaker II, Mario A. Rotea, Justin Ruths, Mark W. Spong, Tyler Summers, Yonas Tadesse, William Vandenberghe, Amy V. Walker, Robert M. Wallace, Steve Yurkovich, Jie Zhang

JSOM Faculty

Professors: Ashiq Ali, Alain Bensoussan, Gary Bolton, Metín Çakanyildirim, Huseyin Cavusoglu, Jianqing Chen, William M. Cready, Gregory G. Dess, Umit G. Gurun, Dorothée Honhon, Kyle Hyndman, Varghese S. Jacob, Sanjay Jain, Ganesh Janakiraman, Elena Katok, Dmitri Kuksov, Nanda Kumar, Seung-Hyun Lee, Stanley Liebowitz, Zhiang (John) Lin, Sumit K. Majumdar, Stanimir Markov, Amit Mehra, Syam Menon, Vijay S. Mookerjee, B. P. S. Murthi, Vikram Nanda, Özalp Özer, Mike W. Peng, Hasan Pirkul, Cuili Qian, Suresh Radhakrishnan, Srinivasan Raghunathan, Ram C. Rao, Brian Ratchford, Michael J. Rebello, Gil Sadka, Sumit Sarkar, Suresh P. Sethi, Kathryn E. Stecke, Riki Takeuchi, Wing Kwong (Eric) Tsang, Jun Xia, Ying Xie, Harold Zhang, Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng

Associate Professors: Mehmet Ayvaci, Nina Baranchuk, Zhonglan Dai, Rebecca Files, Michael Hasler, Bin Hu, Surya N. Janakiraman, Robert L. Kieschnick Jr., Atanu Lahiri, Jun Li, Ningzhong Li, Maria Loumioti, Lívia Markóczy, Ramachandran (Ram) Natarajan, Naim Bugra Ozel, H. Dennis Park, Anyan Qi, Young U. Ryu, Serdar Simsek, Harpreet Singh, Upender Subramanian, Shaojie Tang, Shouqiang Wang, Kelsey D. Wei, Han (Victor) Xia, Yexiao Xu, Alejandro Zentner, Jieying Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Zhe (James) Zhang, Feng Zhao, Yibin Zhou

Assistant Professors: Khai Chiong, Rafael Copat, Soraya Fatehi, Andrew Frazelle, Ying Huang, Joonhwi Joo, Sora Jun, Jason Kautz, Tongil Kim, Sheen Levine, Christopher Mace, Samir Mamadehussene, Jean-Marie Meier, Zixuan Meng, Radha Mookerjee, Jedson Pinto, Ignacio Rios Uribe, Alejandro Rivera Mesias, Simon Siegenthaler, Kirti Sinha, Shujing Sun, Xiaoxiao Tang, Shervin Tehrani, Ashwin Venkataraman, Christian Von-Drathen, Guihua Wang, Hongchang Wang, Pingle Wang, Junfeng Wu, Steven Xiao

Professor Emeritus: R. Chandrasekaran

Associate Professor Emeritus: David J. Springate

Clinical Professors: John Barden, Britt Berrett, Abhijit Biswas, Shawn Carraher, Larry Chasteen, Paul Convery, Tevfik Dalgic, Howard Dover, John Gamino, Randall S. Guttery, William Hefley, Robert Hicks, Robert Kaiser, Marilyn Kaplan, Van Latham, Sonia Leach, Peter Lewin, Jeffrey Manzi, John McCracken, Diane S. McNulty, Larry Norton, Divakar Rajamani, Daniel Rajaratnam, Kannan Ramanathan, Prakash Shrivastava, Mark Thouin, McClain Watson, Jeff Weekley, Habte Woldu, Fang Wu

Clinical Associate Professors: Shawn Alborz, Dawn Owens, Carolyn Reichert, Avanti P. Sethi, Ramesh Subramoniam, Aysegul Toptal, David Widdifield

Clinical Assistant Professors: Athena Alimirzaei, Christina (Krysta) Betanzos, Moran Blueshtein, Jeffery (Jeff) Hicks, Dupinderjeet Kaur, Revansiddha Khanapure, Kristen Lawson, Liping Ma, Parneet Pahwa, Jason Parker

Professors of Instruction: Semiramis Amirpour, Mary Beth Goodrich, Chris Linsteadt, Suzette Plaisance Bryan, Matt Polze, Luell (Lou) Thompson

Associate Professors of Instruction: Judd Bradbury, Monica E. Brussolo, Ayfer Gurun, Maria Hasenhuttl, Julie Haworth, Thomas (Tom) Henderson, Jennifer G. Johnson, Kathryn Lookadoo, Sarah Moore, Mohammad Naseri Taheri, Hirofumi Nishi, Daniel Sibley, Agnieszka Skuza, Hubert Zydorek

Assistant Professors of Instruction: Negin Enayaty Ahangar, Daniel Karnuta, Joseph Mauriello, Victoria D. McCrady, Rasoul Ramezani, Gaurav Shekhar

Professors of Practice: Gregory Ballew, Tiffany A. Bortz, Ranavir Bose, Alexander Edsel, Charles Haseman, Rajiv Shah, Donald Taylor, Keith Thurgood

Associate Professors of Practice: Nozar Hassanzadeh, Jackie Kimzey, Julie Lynch, Jennifer Murray, David Parks, Margaret Smallwood, Steven Solcher, Kathy Zolton

Assistant Professors of Practice: Khatereh Ahadi, Steven Haynes, Abu Naser Islam, Edward Meda, Paul Nichols, Timothy Stephens, Guido Tirone, Robert Wright


The combination of MSEE and MBA degrees can be earned by completing a minimum of 68 graduate semester credit hours beyond prerequisite courses. This includes a minimum of 24 semester credit hours of approved electrical engineering (EE) courses in combination with a minimum of 44 semester credit hours of approved management courses.

Students enrolled in this combination of MSEE and MBA degree programs are permitted to:

  • utilize a maximum of 9 semester credit hours from the approved list of management courses together with 12 semester credit hours of approved elective EE courses to satisfy the required 21 semester credit hours of elective courses listed in the MSEE degree requirements, and
  • utilize a maximum of 9 semester credit hours from the approved list of EE courses together with 15 semester credit hours of approved elective MBA courses to satisfy the 24 semester credit hours of elective courses listed in the MBA degree requirements.

Students are required to meet all other core and elective requirements for the MSEE and MBA degrees to obtain the combination of the MSEE with MBA graduate degrees.

Combination of MSEE with MS graduate degrees

51 minimum semester credit hours

ECS Faculty

Professors: Bilal Akin, Naofal Al-Dhahir, Poras T. Balsara, Dinesh Bhatia, Yun Chiu, Babak Fahimi, John P. Fonseka, Andrea Fumagalli, John H. L. Hansen, Rashaunda Henderson, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Kamran Kiasaleh, Gil S. Lee, Hoi Lee, Jin Liu, Dongsheng (Brian) Ma, Giorgos (Yiorgos) Makris, Hlaing Minn, Aria Nosratinia, Mehrdad Nourani, Kenneth K. O, Lawrence J. Overzet, Issa M. S. Panahi, Siavash Pourkamali, Mohammad Saquib, Carl Sechen, Lakshman Tamil, Murat Torlak

Associate Professors: Benjamin Carrion Schafer, Joseph Friedman, Mona Ghassemi, Chadwin D. Young

Assistant Professors: Kanad Basu, Sourav Dutta, Matthew Gardner, Ifana Mahbub, Jae Mo Park, Kaveh Shamsi

Associate Professor Emeritus: Gerald O. Burnham

Research Professors: Andrew Marshall, Hisashi (Sam) Shichijo

Professors of Instruction: James Florence, Jung Lee, Randall E. Lehmann, Tooraj Nikoubin, Miguel Razo-Razo, Ricardo E. Saad, William (Bill) Swartz, Marco Tacca

Associate Professors of Instruction: Md Ali, Diana Cogan, Matthew Heins, Rabah Mezenner, Neal Skinner

UT Dallas Afflliated Faculty: Larry Ammann, Leonidas Bleris, Fabiano Da Silveira Rodrigues, Massimo V. Fischetti, Matthew J. Goeckner, Zygmunt Haas, Kenneth Hoyt, Russell A. Hulse, Jiyoung Kim, Moon J. Kim, David J. Lary, Yaoyu Li, S.O. Reza Moheimani, Wooram Park, Robert L. Rennaker II, Mario A. Rotea, Justin Ruths, Mark W. Spong, Tyler Summers, Yonas Tadesse, William Vandenberghe, Amy V. Walker, Robert M. Wallace, Steve Yurkovich, Jie Zhang

JSOM Faculty

Professors: Ashiq Ali, Alain Bensoussan, Gary Bolton, Metín Çakanyildirim, Huseyin Cavusoglu, Jianqing Chen, William M. Cready, Gregory G. Dess, Umit G. Gurun, Dorothée Honhon, Kyle Hyndman, Varghese S. Jacob, Sanjay Jain, Ganesh Janakiraman, Elena Katok, Dmitri Kuksov, Nanda Kumar, Seung-Hyun Lee, Stanley Liebowitz, Zhiang (John) Lin, Sumit K. Majumdar, Stanimir Markov, Amit Mehra, Syam Menon, Vijay S. Mookerjee, B. P. S. Murthi, Vikram Nanda, Özalp Özer, Mike W. Peng, Hasan Pirkul, Cuili Qian, Suresh Radhakrishnan, Srinivasan Raghunathan, Ram C. Rao, Brian Ratchford, Michael J. Rebello, Gil Sadka, Sumit Sarkar, Suresh P. Sethi, Kathryn E. Stecke, Riki Takeuchi, Wing Kwong (Eric) Tsang, Jun Xia, Ying Xie, Harold Zhang, Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng

Associate Professors: Mehmet Ayvaci, Nina Baranchuk, Zhonglan Dai, Rebecca Files, Michael Hasler, Bin Hu, Surya N. Janakiraman, Robert L. Kieschnick Jr., Atanu Lahiri, Jun Li, Ningzhong Li, Maria Loumioti, Lívia Markóczy, Ramachandran (Ram) Natarajan, Naim Bugra Ozel, H. Dennis Park, Anyan Qi, Young U. Ryu, Serdar Simsek, Harpreet Singh, Upender Subramanian, Shaojie Tang, Shouqiang Wang, Kelsey D. Wei, Han (Victor) Xia, Yexiao Xu, Alejandro Zentner, Jieying Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Zhe (James) Zhang, Feng Zhao, Yibin Zhou

Assistant Professors: Khai Chiong, Rafael Copat, Soraya Fatehi, Andrew Frazelle, Ying Huang, Joonhwi Joo, Sora Jun, Jason Kautz, Tongil Kim, Sheen Levine, Christopher Mace, Samir Mamadehussene, Jean-Marie Meier, Zixuan Meng, Radha Mookerjee, Jedson Pinto, Ignacio Rios Uribe, Alejandro Rivera Mesias, Simon Siegenthaler, Kirti Sinha, Shujing Sun, Xiaoxiao Tang, Shervin Tehrani, Ashwin Venkataraman, Christian Von-Drathen, Guihua Wang, Hongchang Wang, Pingle Wang, Junfeng Wu, Steven Xiao

Professor Emeritus: R. Chandrasekaran

Associate Professor Emeritus: David J. Springate

Clinical Professors: John Barden, Britt Berrett, Abhijit Biswas, Shawn Carraher, Larry Chasteen, Paul Convery, Tevfik Dalgic, Howard Dover, John Gamino, Randall S. Guttery, William Hefley, Robert Hicks, Robert Kaiser, Marilyn Kaplan, Van Latham, Sonia Leach, Peter Lewin, Jeffrey Manzi, John McCracken, Diane S. McNulty, Larry Norton, Divakar Rajamani, Daniel Rajaratnam, Kannan Ramanathan, Prakash Shrivastava, Mark Thouin, McClain Watson, Jeff Weekley, Habte Woldu, Fang Wu

Clinical Associate Professors: Shawn Alborz, Dawn Owens, Carolyn Reichert, Avanti P. Sethi, Ramesh Subramoniam, Aysegul Toptal, David Widdifield

Clinical Assistant Professors: Athena Alimirzaei, Christina (Krysta) Betanzos, Moran Blueshtein, Jeffery (Jeff) Hicks, Dupinderjeet Kaur, Revansiddha Khanapure, Kristen Lawson, Liping Ma, Parneet Pahwa, Jason Parker

Professors of Instruction: Semiramis Amirpour, Mary Beth Goodrich, Chris Linsteadt, Suzette Plaisance Bryan, Matt Polze, Luell (Lou) Thompson

Associate Professors of Instruction: Judd Bradbury, Monica E. Brussolo, Ayfer Gurun, Maria Hasenhuttl, Julie Haworth, Thomas (Tom) Henderson, Jennifer G. Johnson, Kathryn Lookadoo, Sarah Moore, Mohammad Naseri Taheri, Hirofumi Nishi, Daniel Sibley, Agnieszka Skuza, Hubert Zydorek

Assistant Professors of Instruction: Negin Enayaty Ahangar, Daniel Karnuta, Joseph Mauriello, Victoria D. McCrady, Rasoul Ramezani, Gaurav Shekhar

Professors of Practice: Gregory Ballew, Tiffany A. Bortz, Ranavir Bose, Alexander Edsel, Charles Haseman, Rajiv Shah, Donald Taylor, Keith Thurgood

Associate Professors of Practice: Nozar Hassanzadeh, Jackie Kimzey, Julie Lynch, Jennifer Murray, David Parks, Margaret Smallwood, Steven Solcher, Kathy Zolton

Assistant Professors of Practice: Khatereh Ahadi, Steven Haynes, Abu Naser Islam, Edward Meda, Paul Nichols, Timothy Stephens, Guido Tirone, Robert Wright


The combination of MSEE and MS degrees can be earned by completing a minimum of 51 semester credit hours beyond prerequisites. This includes a minimum of 24 semester credit hours of approved electrical engineering courses in combination with a minimum of 27 semester credit hours of approved management courses for each of these management degrees.

Students enrolled in a combination of the MSEE and MS degree programs are permitted to:

  • utilize a maximum of 9 semester credit hours from the approved list of management courses together with 12 semester credit hours of approved elective EE courses to satisfy the required 21 semester credit hours of elective courses listed in the MSEE degree requirements, and
  • utilize a maximum of 9 semester credit hours from the approved list of EE courses in satisfying elective courses requirements for the MS degree requirements.

Students are required to meet all other core and elective requirements for the MSEE and MS degrees to obtain the combination of MSEE with MS graduate degrees.

All students must have a graduate advisor in the Department of Electrical Engineering in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science and a graduate advisor in the Naveen Jindal School of Management who will advise on respective programs and approve a degree plan. The advising office in each school will provide a detailed listing of approved courses. Courses taken without advisor approval may not count toward the required semester credit hours. No degree will be awarded until the completion of all requirements, including the requirement for the 68 or 51 semester credit hours for the MSEE/MBA or MSEE/MS or combinations respectively.

If a student chooses at a later time to pursue only one of the two degree programs, the student MUST again seek admission into the degree program of the student's choice and satisfy the requirements of that degree program. Prior coursework relevant to the specific degree program will be transferred, provided the course requirements have not changed.

Updated: 2023-08-15 16:25:44 v3.7522ae