HCS5312 - Introductory Research Methods in Behavioral and Brain Sciences - Part I
HCS 5312 (ACN 5312 and PSYC 5312) Introductory Research Methods in Behavioral and Brain Sciences - Part I (3 semester credit hours) This course reviews basic concepts in research design and statistical analysis in a behavioral science context. Students learn null hypothesis significance testing and how to implement and interpret several statistical analyses involving Analysis of Variance (ANOVA; e.g., single-factor and factorial between-subjects ANOVA) and regression (e.g., simple and multiple regression). The course provides students with an understanding of the interrelationships among statistical techniques, and computer skills required for data analyses. Students without the necessary background knowledge of basic statistics and experimental design will be required to take PSY 3392 before registering for ACN 5312. Lecture. Offered annually. Prerequisites: BBSC majors only and department consent required. (3-0) Y