Business Communication
BCOM 2101 Basic Business Communication (1 semester hour) This course will provide an introduction to business writing and speaking with a particular emphasis on grammar, sentence structure, thought formation, and presentation skills. Class activities will emphasize communication in real-world business situations and enable students to begin developing their ability to write and speak effectively in the workplace. (1-0) S
BCOM 3311 Business Communication (3 semester hours) Introduction to various types of professional communication, with an emphasis on business writing. Students will gain experience writing and revising business email, letters, proposals, and job search documents. Students will work both individually and in teams and will exit the course with a clear understanding of the centrality of communication in business. Not eligible for audit. Prerequisites: RHET 1302 and (ACCT 3100 or BA 3100 or FIN 3100 or IMS 3100 or MKT 3100 or MIS 3100 or OPRE 3100). (3-0) S
BCOM 3320 Business Communication, Practices, and Culture: Spain and Latin America (3 semester hours) This course prepares students to maneuver the business environment in Spain and Lain America with a focus on technical communications, business practices, and the culture of business. Basic language skills are necessary to be able to more fully appreciate the business nuances involved in international business. Prerequisites: SPAN 1311 and SPAN 1312 or equivalent. (3-0) Y
BCOM 3321 Business Communication, Practices, and Culture: China (3 semester hours) This course prepares students to maneuver the business environment in China with a focus on technical communications, business practices, and the culture of business. Basic language skills are necessary to be able to more fully appreciate the business nuances involved in international business. Prerequisites: CHIN 1311 and CHIN 1312 or equivalent. (3-0) Y
BCOM 3322 Business Communication, Practices, and Culture: Japan (3 semester hours) This course prepares students to maneuver the business environment in Japan with a focus on technical communications, business practices, and the culture of business. Basic language skills are necessary to be able to more fully appreciate the business nuances involved in international business. Prerequisites: JAPN 1311 and JAPN 1312 or equivalent. (3-0) Y
BCOM 3323 Business Communication, Practices, and Culture: Germany (3 semester hours) This course prepares students to maneuver the business environment in Germany with a focus on technical communications, business practices, and the culture of business. Basic language skills are necessary to be able to more fully appreciate the business nuances involved in international business. Prerequisites: GERM 1311 and GERM 1312 or equivalent. (3-0) Y
BCOM 4350 Advanced Business Communication (3 semester hours) This course builds on BCOM 3311 by helping students work towards mastery of three critical communication competencies: business speaking, professional use of social media/technology in/for work, and the development of a professional online presence. Students will gain experience engaging in many different kinds of oral communication for business, both individually and in teams. Prerequisites: BCOM 3311 and (MATH 1326 or MATH 2414 or MATH 2419). (3-0) Y