Academic Policies and Procedures
Change of Address, Email or Name
Students may complete a change of address online through Galaxy. Students must maintain home and mail addresses and telephone numbers using Galaxy. Although the UT Dallas administration and faculty primarily utilize UT Dallas email for communications, UT Dallas sends certain academic and financial communications through the mail. Therefore, if a student fails to maintain a current address, the student will be responsible for correspondence that is undeliverable.
Students may complete a change of personal email online through Galaxy. A student's UT Dallas email address is the official method of communication between faculty, administration and the student. A UT Dallas student must maintain his/her UT Dallas email account at all times. Therefore, if a student fails to maintain their UT Dallas email account, the student will be responsible for correspondence that is undeliverable.
Students may complete a "Name Change Request" form at and submit in person to The Office of the Registrar in the Student Services Building, first floor customer service area. A copy of the student's driver's license, a marriage certificate, or court order used as proof of the name change must accompany the name change request.