Degree Programs
Honors Programs
Collegium V
The University offers a 4-year comprehensive program of enrichment and recognition, known as Collegium V, for outstanding students. Collegium V includes special seminar-style classes offered by selected University professors as well as a program of extracurricular activities designed to encourage and reward exceptional academic achievement. Benefits available to participants in Collegium V include registration for Honors seminars, honors advising, 24-hour access to the Collegium V lounge complex, research and internship opportunities with professors, and an agenda of cultural events such as concerts, exhibits, speakers, and plays.
Membership in Collegium V is limited. Interested students must apply directly to the program at:
The Office of Undergraduate Education
ATTN: Collegium V
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 West Campbell Road - GC 10
Richardson TX 75080-3021
(972) 883-4297
Honors in the Major
Each school offers qualified students the opportunity to participate in an honors program within their discipline. Each program provides two levels of recognition, Honors and Distinction. All students must have completed a minimum of 30 graded semester credit hours to qualify for major honors. The requirements for major honor's recognition vary across schools. Students should review the descriptions within the school section of the catalog.