EEPE6355 - High Voltage & Transients
EEPE 6355 High Voltage & Transients (3 semester credit hours) An introduction to Electromagnetic Transients (Lightning and Switching) in Power Systems. Wave propagation on single conductor and multiconductor systems. Fundamental concepts of switching transients. High voltage circuit breakers. Switching surge phenomena. Overhead transmission line protection against lightning. Grounding for protection against lightning. Direct lightning strokes to overhead lines without and with shield wires. Transient behavior of transformers and reactors. Surge arresters and insulation coordination. Electromagnetic transient programs (EMTP). An introduction to high voltage engineering. Electric fields, their control, and estimation. Breakdown in air. SF6 and vacuum as high voltage insulation. Solid dielectrics. Insulating liquids. Prerequisites: Knowledge of electric circuits and electromagnetics. (3-0) Y