UT Dallas 2024 Graduate Catalog

COMD7231 - Advanced Voice

COMD 7231 Advanced Voice (2 semester credit hours) This course will utilize lectures, observations, hands-on clinical experiences, and discussions to provide students with knowledge and skillsets to evaluate and manage voice and laryngeal disorders. Topics include auditory-perceptual analysis of voice quality, laryngeal imaging, acoustic and aerodynamic assessment, advanced training in voice, breathing, and cough treatment methods, and patient-clinician role playing. This course will build off the Voice Disorders core course. Content will be geared towards students who have a special interest in pursuing voice assessment and treatment as their careers. Didactics will be followed up with hands-on experience with voice assessment instrumentation in the UTSW Voice Clinic and Voice Lab-including flexible and rigid laryngoscopy and acoustic/aerodynamic voice assessment. Students will participate in voice assessment and intervention role-play. Students will be expected to think critically and apply their knowledge to "real-world" situations in mock clinics through various modalities provided in the course. Prerequisites: COMD 6221 and BBSC majors only and department consent required. (2-0) Y