ACCT7314 - Research on Financial Reporting and Corporate Disclosures
ACCT 7314 Research on Financial Reporting and Corporate Disclosures (3 semester credit hours) The first half of the course will cover research related to financial reporting. It will include the theory of GAAP, earnings properties (e.g., conservatism, persistence, quality, and comparability), and the determinants of earnings properties (e.g., country attributes). It will also include financial reporting choices by managers (e.g., accruals-based earnings management, real-activities earnings management, non-GAAP reporting, misstatements), the types of frictions that determine financial reporting choices, and their economic consequences. The second half of the course will cover research related to voluntary and mandatory disclosures. It will include voluntary disclosure choices (e.g., what, when, and how to disclose information) and their determinants. It will also include the impact of voluntary/mandatory disclosures on the capital market, the product market, corporate investments, and capital market feedback to management. May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. (3-0) R