Natural Sciences
NATS 5100 Professional Development in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (1 semester credit hour) This one-hour preparatory course for NS&M graduate students seeking an internship, part-time job, or full-time job is designed to enhance the career and internship readiness skills of students. Course information will be conveyed by completing professional development modules that include in-person activities, homework assignments, internet searches, and discussions. Pass/Fail only. Prerequisites: Enrolled in NS&M graduate or certificate program and department consent required. (1-0) S
NATS 5V10 Internship in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (1-3 semester credit hours) Students undertake a new learning experience in a supervised work situation related to their academic interests within the disciplines housed in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. An internship provides exposure to a professional working environment, application of theory to working realities, and an opportunity to test skills and clarify goals. Students will complete structured meetings with both their campus supervisor and the employer site supervisor. Pass/Fail only. May be repeated for credit (3 semester credit hours maximum). Prerequisites: NATS 5100 and department consent required. ([1-3]-0) S