UT Dallas 2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Naveen Jindal School of Management

Human Resource Management (BS)

Degree Requirements (120 semester credit hours)

Four-Year Degree Plan (Example)

This is an example only. Please see advisor to develop an individual four-year plan.

Freshman Year
Semester 1 - Fall Notes Preferred Core SCH Semester 2 - Spring Notes Preferred Core SCH
010 Core 010 3 030 Core 030 3
030 Core 030 3 050 Core 050 3
MATH 1325 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2090 3 060 Core 060 3
BCOM 1300 2, 6 3 BA 1310 1, 2, 3 8090 3
or BCOM 3300 2, 6 or BA 1320 1, 2, 3 8090
BLAW 2301 2 3 or ECON 2301 1, 2, 3 8090
or ECON 2302 1, 2, 3 8090
OBHR 3330 2 3
Total  15 Total  15
Sophomore Year
Semester 3 - Fall Notes Preferred Core SCH Semester 4 - Spring Notes Preferred Core SCH
010 Core 010 3 ACCT 2302 2 3
ACCT 2301 2 3 070 Core 070 3
070 Core 070 3 OPRE 3360 2 3
BA 1310 1, 2, 3 8090 3 or STAT 3360 2
or BA 1320 1, 2, 3 8090 OBHR 4331 2 3
or ECON 2301 1, 2, 3 8090 OBHR 4333 2 3
or ECON 2302 1, 2, 3 8090
BLAW 3301 2 3
Total  15 Total  15
Junior Year
Semester 5 - Fall Notes Preferred Core SCH Semester 6 - Spring Notes Preferred Core SCH
030 Core 030 3 090 Core 090 3
ITSS 3300 3 BCOM 4300 2 3
FIN 3320 3 MKT 3300 3
OBHR 4334 2 3 OPRE 3310 3
OBHR 4335 2 3 OBHR 4354 2 3
Total  15 Total  15
Senior Year
Semester 7 - Fall Notes Preferred Core SCH Semester 8 - Spring Notes Preferred Core SCH
040 Core 040 3 IMS 3310 3
OBHR 3310 3 OBHR 4395 3
HRM Elective 8, 13 3 HRM Elective 8, 11, 13 3
Free Elective 7 3 or BPS 4396 11, 12
OBHR 4090 9, 10 0 or ENTP 4340 11, 12
Free Elective 9, 10 3 or MKT 4360 11, 12
BA 4095 11, 12 0
HRM Elective 8 3
Free Elective 7 3
Total  15 Total  15
1Curriculum Requirements can be fulfilled by other approved courses from accredited institutions of higher education. The courses listed are recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy both Core Curriculum and Major Requirements at UT Dallas.
2Indicates a prerequisite class to be completed before enrolling for upper-division classes. Specific prerequisites are required for certain upper-division courses. Review requirements for your major and choose accordingly.
3A required course in the Major that also fulfills a Core Curriculum requirement. Semester credit hours are counted in Core Curriculum. Students must choose a different course for each Core Curriculum category
4MATH 1325 is required for all JSOM undergraduate students. Students may substitute MATH 2413 or MATH 2417 for MATH 1325.
5To make timely degree progress, students should complete MATH 1325 or its equivalent by the end of their first semester at UT Dallas. Students who will not meet this requirement should contact their academic advisor to discuss their degree timeline.
6JSOM first-time-in-college freshmen are required to take BCOM 1300 in their first semester. Transfer students and students new to JSOM are required to take BCOM 3300 in their first semester.
7Free Electives: 9 semester credit hours are required for the B.S. in Human Resource Management.
8HRM Electives: 9 semester credit hours from IMS 4330, OBHR 4336, OBHR 4337, OBHR 4339, or OBHR 4361.
9An Internship (Practicum) of at least 160 working hours is required for all JSOM majors. OBHR 4V90 for up to 3 semester credit hours can apply towards free or guided electives. OBHR 4090 or BA 4090 for 0 credit hours fulfills degree requirement only. Students who are employed in full-time jobs may fulfill their internship requirement with their current employer as a special project for registration in BA 4090 with preapproval from their program director.
10OBHR 4090 or BA 4090 is required if not completing OBHR 4V90 for free or guided elective credit. Students who are employed in full-time jobs may fulfill their internship requirement with their current employer as a special project for registration in BA 4090 with preapproval from their program director.
11A Community Engagement Experience is required for all JSOM majors in fall 2018 catalog or later. Students may fulfill requirement with BPS 4396 or ENTP 4340 or IMS 4335 or MKT 4360 for 3 semester credit hours free elective, or with BA 4095 upon completion of 100 service hours for 0-hour degree requirement only.
12BA 4095 is required, if not completing BPS 4396 or ENTP 4340 or IMS 4335 or MKT 4360 for 3 semester credit hours free elective. Students will be registered for BA 4095 for 0 SCH in the semester they complete 100 service hours.
13Recommended guided electives for the Society of Human Resources Management Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) exam: OBHR 4336, OBHR 4337, and OBHR 4361. OBHR 4361 is specifically designed to prepare students for real-life situations, with learning modules and study tools needed for the SHRM-CP exam.
Be sure to check prerequisites of 2000-level and higher courses.
120 semester credit hours required for graduation
This plan is a resource tool only; it does not replace your degree plan or academic advising.
Updated: 2024-06-11 17:34:21 v3.c5777e