UT Dallas 2024 Undergraduate Catalog

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Actuarial Science (BS)

Degree Requirements (120 semester credit hours)

Four-Year Degree Plan (Example)

This is an example only. Please see advisor to develop an individual four-year plan.

Freshman Year
Semester 1 - Fall Notes Preferred Core SCH Semester 2 - Spring Notes Preferred Core SCH
ACCT 2301 3 ACCT 2302 3
CS 1436 4 CS 1337 3
MATH 2417 1, 2, 3, 5 2090 4 or MATH 2370 6
Core Course 3 ECON 2301 1 8090 3
NATS 1101 1 MATH 2418 4
MATH 2419 1, 2, 3, 5 090 4
Total  15 Total  17
Sophomore Year
Semester 3 - Fall Notes Preferred Core SCH Semester 4 - Spring Notes Preferred Core SCH
STAT 3355 3 ACTS 4308 3
ECON 2302 8090 3 BCOM 3300 3
PHYS 2325 1, 2, 4 30903-4 PHYS 2326 1, 2, 4 3090 3-4
or PHYS 2421 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 3090 or PHYS 2422 1, 2, 4, 7 3090
or CHEM 1311 1, 2, 4 3090 or CHEM 1312 1, 2, 4 3090
or CHEM 1315 1, 2, 4 3090 or CHEM 1316 1, 2, 4 3090
PHYS 2125 1, 2, 4 3090 0-1 PHYS 2126 1
or CHEM 1111 1, 2, 4 090 or CHEM 1112
or CHEM 1115 090 or CHEM 1116
Core Course 3 Core Course 3
MATH 3351 3 STAT 4351 3
Total  16 Total  16-17
Junior Year
Semester 5 - Fall Notes Preferred Core SCH Semester 6 - Spring Notes Preferred Core SCH
ACTS 4302 3 ACTS 4301 3
ITSS 3300 3 ITSS 4301 3
STAT 4352 3 STAT 4382 3
Core Course 3 Core Course 3
Core Course 3 Core Course 3
Total  15 Total  15
Senior Year
Semester 7 - Fall Notes Preferred Core SCH Semester 8 - Spring Notes Preferred Core SCH
ACTS 4303 3 ACTS 4305 3
ACTS 4304 3 MATH 2420 4
ACTS 4307 3 ACTS 4310 3
Core Course 3 ACTS 4311 3
Free Elective 0-1
Total  12-13 Total  13
1Curriculum Requirements can be fulfilled by other approved courses from accredited institutions of higher education. The courses listed are recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy both Core Curriculum and Major Requirements at UT Dallas.
2A required Major preparatory course that also fulfills a Core Curriculum requirement. Semester credit hours are counted in Core Curriculum.
3Three semester credit hours of Calculus are counted to fulfill the Mathematics Core Requirement with the remaining five semester credit hours to be counted under Component Area Option Core.
4Six semester credit hours of Physics or Chemistry are counted under Science core, and one semester credit hour of Physics or Chemistry (PHYS 2125 or CHEM 1111) is counted under Component Area Core.
5MATH 2417 and MATH 2419 requirements can be fulfilled by completing MATH 2413, MATH 2414, and MATH 2415.
6MATH 2370 will provide better preparation for MATH 4334.
7Please consult your advisor if selecting Honors Physics.
8Students who complete PHYS 2421 do not need to complete PHYS 2125.
45 Hours of upper division courses (course numbers beginning with 3 or greater) are required for all degrees.
Be sure to check prerequisites of 2000-level or higher courses.
120 semester credit hours required for graduation
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) during the summer are highly recommended for Mathematics majors planning to continue their education in graduate school, whether in Mathematics or another discipline. Formal REU programs exist at many universities, national laboratories, and even overseas, and usually offer a stipend typical of a graduate teaching assistantship. Announcements for REU programs usually appear online in December and application deadlines usually range from late January to early March. Requirements vary, but students are often eligible if they have completed their freshman year.
This plan is a resource tool only; it does not replace your degree plan or academic advising.
Updated: 2024-05-29 15:22:23 v4.f5a1f0