UT Dallas 2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Naveen Jindal School of Management

Marketing and Supply Chain Management and Analytics (Double Major) (BS)

Bachelor of Science in Marketing and Supply Chain Management and Analytics (Double Major)

Degree Requirements (129 semester credit hours)

The Bachelor of Science in Marketing (BS MKT) and Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management and Analytics (BS SCM) double major is a minimum 129 semester credit hours degree program that prepares students to address marketing issues in global supply chain markets. The program emphasizes building key skills and competencies of global marketing and supply chain professionals. Students also gain analytical decision-making and problem-solving skills through real-life consulting while working on global supply chain projects and internships.


Professors: Alain Bensoussan, Metín Çakanyildirim, Dorothée Honhon, Bin Hu, Ganesh Janakiraman, Elena Katok, Özalp Özer, Suresh P. Sethi, Kathryn E. Stecke

Associate Professor: Anyan Qi, Serdar Simsek, Guihua Wang, Shouqiang Wang, Yining Wang

Assistant Professors: Maya Balakrishnan, Mingliu Chen, Soraya Fatehi, Andrew Frazelle, Neda Miraeian, Jimmy Qin, Ignacio Rios Uribe, Ashwin Venkataraman, Mengxin Wang

Clinical Professors: Sonia Leach, Divakar Rajamani, Kannan Ramanathan

Clinical Associate Professors: Avanti P. Sethi, Ramesh Subramoniam, Aysegul Toptal, David Widdifield

Professor of Instruction: Shawn Alborz

Associate Professors of Instruction: Khatereh Ahadi, Monica E. Brussolo, Negin Enayaty Ahangar, Sarmann Kennedyd, Mohammad Naseri Taheri, Tristan Whalen

Assistant Professors of Instruction: Hien Thu Nguyen, Rasoul Ramezani

Professors of Practice: David Parks, Ramesh Subramoniam

I. Core Curriculum Requirements: 42 semester credit hours1

Communication: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Communication Core courses (see advisor)

Mathematics: 3 semester credit hours

MATH 1325 Applied Calculus I2, 3, 4, 6

Or select any 3 semester credit hours from Mathematics Core courses5 (see advisor)

Life and Physical Sciences: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Life and Physical Sciences Core courses (see advisor and degree requirements)

Language, Philosophy and Culture: 3 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from Language, Philosophy and Culture Core courses (see advisor)

Creative Arts: 3 semester credit hours

Select any 3 semester credit hours from Creative Arts Core courses (see advisor)

American History: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from American History Core courses (see advisor)

Government/Political Science: 6 semester credit hours

Select any 6 semester credit hours from Government/Political Science Core courses (see advisor)

Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3 semester credit hours

Choose one of the following:5

BA 1310 Making Choices in Free Market Systems2, 3

BA 1320 Business in a Global World2, 3

ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics2, 3

ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics2, 3

Or select any 3 semester credit hours from Social and Behavioral Sciences Core courses (see advisor)

Component Area Option: 6 semester credit hours

Choose two of the following:5

MATH 1326 Applied Calculus II2, 3, 6

BA 1310 Making Choices in Free Market Systems2, 3

BA 1320 Business in a Global World2, 3

ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics2, 3

ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics2, 3

Or select any 6 semester credit hours from Component Area Option Core courses (see advisor)

II. Major Requirements: 69-72 semester credit hours

Students must meet all course prerequisites.

Major Preparatory Courses: 15-18 semester credit hours beyond Core Curriculum

ACCT 2301 Introductory Financial Accounting2

ACCT 2302 Introductory Management Accounting2

BLAW 2301 Business and Public Law3

MATH 1325 Applied Calculus I2, 3, 4, 7

OPRE 3333 Quantitative Business Analysis2, 8

or MATH 2333 Matrices, Vectors, and Data2, 8

OPRE 3340 Advanced Business Quantitative Methods2, 4

or MATH 1326 Applied Calculus II2, 4

OPRE 3360 Managerial Methods in Decision Making Under Uncertainty

or STAT 3360 Probability and Statistics for Management and Economics

Choose two of the following:5

BA 1310 Making Choices in Free Market Systems2, 3

BA 1320 Business in a Global World2, 3

ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics2, 3

ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics2, 3

Major Core Courses: 24 semester credit hours

BCOM 1300 Professional Communication9

or BCOM 3300 Business Communication9

BCOM 4300 Advanced Professional Communication

FIN 3320 Business Finance

IMS 3310 International Business

ITSS 3300 Information Technology for Business

MKT 3300 Principles of Marketing

OBHR 3310 Organizational Behavior

or OBHR 3330 Introduction to Human Resource Management

OPRE 3310 Supply Chain and Operations Management

Major Related Courses: 30 semester credit hours

MKT 3330 Introduction to Professional Selling

MKT 3340 Marketing Research

MKT 4330 Digital and Internet Marketing

MKT 4337 Marketing Analytics

OPRE 3320 Integrated Supply Chain Management

OPRE 3330 Project Management

OPRE 4320 Integrated SCM Information Systems

OPRE 4330 Global Logistics and Inventory Management

OPRE 4340 Purchasing and Sourcing Management

OPRE 4395 Capstone Senior Project - Supply Chain Management

or MKT 4395 Capstone Senior Project - Marketing

or BPS 4395 Capstone Senior Project - Business

or ENTP 4395 Capstone Senior Project - Entrepreneurship

III. Elective Requirements: 15-18 semester credit hours

Marketing Electives: 12 Semester Credit hours

The Marketing and Supply Chain Management and Analytics degree program allows students to focus on a specific Concentration to obtain in-depth knowledge in a specific business area.

Students choose 4 courses from one of the following Concentrations or any combination of courses within the Concentrations.

Digital Marketing Concentration

MKT 4331 Digital Prospecting

MKT 4334 Social Media Marketing

MKT 4336 E-Retailing

MKT 4338 Marketing Content Creation

MKT 4339 AI-Driven Content Creation and Campaign Management

MKT 4V83 Individual Study in Marketing

MKT 4V90 Marketing Internship

MKT 4V93 Seminar Series in Marketing

Marketing Analytics Concentration

MKT 4336 E-Retailing

MKT 4339 AI-Driven Content Creation and Campaign Management

MKT 4341 Predictive Analytics

MKT 4390 Advanced Marketing Analytics

MKT 4V83 Individual Study in Marketing

MKT 4V90 Marketing Internship

MKT 4V93 Seminar Series in Marketing

Retailing Innovation Concentration

MKT 3331 Principles of Category Management

MKT 4333 Retail Operations

MKT 4335 Category Buying

MKT 4336 E-Retailing

MKT 4V83 Individual Study in Marketing

MKT 4V90 Marketing Internship

MKT 4V93 Seminar Series in Marketing

Other Electives: 3-6 Semester Credit hours10

A practicum experience of at least 160 working hours is required, with registration in one of the courses below. Depending on the internship and preference for additional electives, the student may qualify for a zero to 3 semester credit hours course with the appropriate Program Director approval11.

OPRE 4V90 Supply Chain Management Internship

or MKT 4V90 Marketing Internship

or OPRE 4090 Supply Chain Management Internship

or MKT 4090 Marketing Internship

or BA 4090 Management Internship12

A community engagement experience is required; the student has the option of zero or 3 semester credit hours, depending on the experience and preference for additional electives13.

MKT 4360 Social Impact Marketing

or BPS 4396 Social Impact and Community Engagement

or ENTP 4340 Social Sector Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement

or BA 4095 Social Sector Engagement and Community Outreach Practicum

Any upper-level OPRE courses not listed or applied as credit hours elsewhere on the degree plan.

OPRE 4350 Spreadsheet Modeling and Analytics

OPRE 4357 Supply Chain Analytics, AI, and Advanced Solutions

OPRE 4362 Supply Chain Strategy

Both lower- and upper-division courses may count as electives.

The plan must include sufficient upper-division courses to total 45 upper-division semester credit hours.

1. Curriculum Requirements can be fulfilled by other approved courses from institutions of higher education. The courses listed are recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy both Core Curriculum and Major Requirements at UT Dallas.

2. Indicates a prerequisite class to be completed before enrolling for upper-division classes.

3. A required Major course that also fulfills a Core Curriculum requirement. Semester credit hours are counted in Core Curriculum.

4. MATH 1325 is required for all JSOM undergraduate students. Students may substitute MATH 2413 or MATH 2417 for MATH 1325. Students may elect to substitute MATH 1326 or MATH 2414 or MATH 2419 for OPRE 3340. Students who complete OPRE 3340 instead of MATH 1326 or MATH 2414 or MATH 2419 will need an 090 Component Area Option Core course.

5. Certain courses listed are prerequisites for major core, major concentration, or major related courses. Choose accordingly.

6. Students may elect to substitute MATH 2414 or MATH 2419 for MATH 1326.

7. To make timely degree progress, students should complete MATH 1325 or its equivalent by the end of their first semester at UT Dallas. Students who will not meet this requirement should contact their academic advisor to discuss their degree timeline.

8. Students may substitute MATH 2418 or CS 2305 for OPRE 3333 or MATH 2333.

9. JSOM first-time-in-college freshmen are required to take BCOM 1300 in their first semester. Transfer students and students new to JSOM are required to take BCOM 3300 in their first semester.

10. Electives of 0-3 semester credit hours are required for the B.S. in Marketing and Supply Chain Management and Analytics. Students who choose MATH 1326 or MATH 2414 or MATH 2419 instead of OPRE 3340 will require a total of 3 semester credit hours of free electives to meet the 129 semester credit hour requirement for graduation. Students who choose OPRE 3340 instead of MATH 1326 or MATH 2414 or MATH 2419 will require another 090 Component Area Option Core Curriculum course.

11. Students may fulfill the internship requirement with OPRE 4090, MKT 4090, BA 4090, or OPRE 4V90 (1-3 semester credit hours). The zero semester credit hour courses OPRE 4090, MKT 4090, or BA 4090 are recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy this requirement.

12. Students who are employed in full-time jobs may fulfill their internship requirement with their current employer as a special project with preapproval from their program director.

13. Students may fulfill the community engagement requirement with BA 4095, BPS 4396, ENTP 4340, or MKT 4360. The zero semester credit hour course BA 4095 is recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy this requirement.

Updated: 2024-10-08 11:19:52 v11.6bf226