ENTP6365 - Integrated Venture Development
ENTP 6365 Integrated Venture Development (3 semester hours) Integrated Venture Development is designed to permit a student or student team to contribute to the commercialization of an early stage concept, technology or invention developed by a UT Dallas researcher. The course will be taught in the Venture Development Center and follow either: (a) the structured methodology utilized in ENTP 6360 to develop, refine and validate a business concept for the technology or invention; or (b) an alternate plan of milestones and deliverables mutually agreed by the faculty and the inventor/researcher. The course will be taught in the Venture Development Center. Student participants will be selected and enrolled in the course on the basis of their prior course background and ability to contribute. Teams will be guided by the faculty and the inventor/researcher, with Office of Technology Commercialization oversight. Participants will execute any necessary intellectual property agreements. This course may be repeated one time for course credit. Prerequisite: ENTP 6370 or approval of the supervising faculty is required. (3-0) R