HUMA 6300 Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Arts and Humanities (3 semester hours) Introduction to interdisciplinary approaches to the arts and humanities, including concepts of inquiry and interpretation that form the theoretical bases of the graduate programs, seminars, workshops, and studios. Required of all degree candidates for the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities. (3-0) S
HUMA 6320 French Review (3 semester hours) Intensive grammar review to assist students in moving from intermediate to advanced work with French texts. Prerequisite: intermediate proficiency (usually equivalent to four semesters of undergraduate courses). (3-0) Y
HUMA 6321 Spanish Review (3 semester hours) Intensive grammar review to assist students in moving from intermediate to advanced work with Spanish texts. Prerequisite: intermediate proficiency (usually equivalent to four semesters of undergraduate courses). (3-0) Y
HUMA 6323 German Review (3 semester hours) Intensive grammar review to assist students in moving from intermediate to advanced work with German texts. Prerequisite: intermediate proficiency (usually equivalent to four semesters of undergraduate courses). (3-0) R
HUMA 6330 French Workshop (3 semester hours) Advanced reading, interpretation, and translation of texts in French. Workshop concludes with a translation examination, which comprises both the course final and the program's proficiency examination in French. (3-0) R
HUMA 6331 Spanish Workshop (3 semester hours) Advanced reading, interpretation, and translation of texts in Spanish. Workshop concludes with a translation examination, which comprises both the course final and the program's proficiency examination in Spanish. (3-0) R
HUMA 6333 German Workshop (3 semester hours) Advanced reading, interpretation, and translation of texts in German. Workshop concludes with a translation examination, which comprises both the course final and the program's proficiency examination in German. (3-0) R
HUMA 6390 Topics in Arts and Humanities (3 semester hours) Studies of topics that incorporate multiple disciplinary materials and perspectives. (May be repeated for credit as topics vary to a maximum of 9 credit hours.) (3-0) R
HUMA 6393 Independent Readings in Arts and Humanities (3 semester hours) (May be repeated for credit.) (3-0) R
HUMA 6395 Independent Research in Arts and Humanities (3 semester hours) (May be repeated for credit.) (3-0) R
HUMA 6v81 Special Topics in Arts and Humanities (1-9 semester hours) If taken as an independent studies course may count toward minimum course requirements for the M.A. and Ph.D. degree. (May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 9 hours.) ([1-9]-0) R
HUMA 7390 Advanced Topics in Arts and Humanities (3 semester hours) Advanced studies of topics that incorporate multiple disciplinary materials and perspectives. (May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 9 hours.) (3-0) R
HUMA 7v81 Advanced Special Topics in Arts and Humanities (1-9 semester hours) If taken as an independent studies course may count toward minimum course requirements for the Ph.D. degree. (May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 9 hours.) ([1-9]-0) R
HUMA 8303 Independent Readings in Arts and Humanities (3 semester hours) (May be repeated for credit.) (3-0) R
HUMA 8305 Independent Research in Arts and Humanities (3 semester hours) (May be repeated for credit.) (3-0) R
HUMA 8v99 Dissertation (3-9 semester hours) (May be repeated for credit.) ([3-9]-0) R