Arts and Humanities
ARHM 1100 Freshman Seminar (1 semester credit hour) This course is a graduation requirement for all freshmen in the School of Arts and Humanities (A&H). Incoming freshmen will learn about the intellectual and cultural environment in the School of Arts and Humanities through lectures, activities, guest panels, and attendance at artistic and cultural events. Students will also learn about A&H majors (Art and Performance, Historical Studies, and Literary Studies), research opportunities, careers, and internships. This course is open to all non-A&H majors. Corequisite: UNIV 1010. (1-1) Y
ARHM 2340 Creativity (3 semester credit hours) This is a course in which the creative process is analyzed and students are encouraged to explore their own creative process. The question of what constitutes a creative person will be explored by studying diverse innovators, both historical and contemporary, from the perspective of the humanities. Students will also develop techniques and skills for innovative and effective problem solving. (3-0) R
ARHM 2342 Connections in the Arts and Humanities (3 semester credit hours) Interdisciplinary subject matter will vary from semester to semester and will include topics related to Art and Performance, Historical Studies, and/or Literary Studies. (3-0) R
ARHM 2343 Science and the Humanities (3 semester credit hours) Modern science has the power to transform culture. This course will examine what it means to understand science as a cultural phenomenon and the crucial role that scientific discoveries play in shaping the values of contemporary culture. (3-0) R
ARHM 2344 World Cultures (3 semester credit hours) This course undertakes a comparative, interdisciplinary study of Western and non-Western texts and their relationship to culture. One or more cultures may be emphasized and creative endeavors will be analyzed as expressions and reflection of the culture(s) that produce(s) them. (3-0) R
ARHM 2V71 Independent Study in the Arts and Humanities (1-3 semester credit hours) Independent study under a faculty member's direction. Signature of instructor and Associate Dean on proposed project outline required. May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-3]-0) R
ARHM 3100 Topics in Values and Science (1 semester credit hour) This course will focus on special topics concerning the relationship between ethics, values, and culture and science, technology, and medicine. The course will include special lectures by experts in the field. May be repeated for credit as topics vary (2 semester credit hours maximum). (1-0) S
ARHM 3342 Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts and Humanities (3 semester credit hours) Focuses on a significant topic or issue through which students are offered an opportunity to gain experience in various analytic and interpretive approaches. Explores interdisciplinary connections among artistic and intellectual endeavors appropriate to a range of courses in the Arts and Humanities. Topics will include the convergence of the liberal arts (Arts and Performance, Historical Studies, and Literary Studies). May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). Prerequisites: (HUMA 1301 or equivalent) and RHET 1302. (3-0) R
ARHM 4V71 Independent Study in the Arts and Humanities (1-3 semester credit hours) Independent study under a faculty member's direction. Signature of instructor and Associate Dean on proposed project outline required. May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and instructor consent required. ([1-3]-0) R
ARHM 4V99 Art, Humanities, and Culture (1-3 semester credit hours) This course is taken in conjunction with travel and study abroad under the supervision of a professor in the School of Arts and Humanities. It is intended to enrich the student's experience abroad by setting it in an academic context. May be repeated for credit as topics vary (6 semester credit hours maximum). ([1-3]-0) R