Managerial Economics
MECO 3300 Introduction to Managing Energy (3 semester credit hours) This course introduces different energy resources (oil, gas, coal, nuclear, wind, and solar) and covers technology related to discovering, inventing, and exploiting resources, and transportation of these resources and their conversion from one form to another. Business processes involved in energy supply chain from resource discovery to end user sales will be examined. Costs incurred and revenues made in the process are also discussed. (Same as ENGY 3300) (3-0) Y
MECO 3330 Energy Economics (3 semester credit hours) This course builds on topics of market structure, competition, and optimal decision-making presented in intermediate microeconomics. Students gain an advanced understanding of the economic decisions faced by energy producers and consumers in today's society and learn to identify causes of and solutions to market inefficiencies. Topics include optimal resource depletion, competitive strategies and incentives for anti-competitive behavior, energy and environmental policy, and energy risk. Prerequisite: ECON 2302. (3-0) Y
MECO 4300 Energy Land Management (3 semester credit hours) This course is designed to give students a keen understanding of the important role that land law and management practices have for energy industry participants. The course begins by presenting land management activities within the broader energy supply chain and relating their importance to upstream and downstream activities, and then proceeds to a combination of practical experience analyzing Texas land leases and classroom case studies of mineral property rights, lease structure and acquisition, title transfers and recordation, and more. Prerequisite: OPRE 3320. (Same as ENGY 4300) (3-0) Y
MECO 4342 Financial and Business Negotiation Analysis (3 semester credit hours) This course introduces students to the economic and psychological analysis of negotiation. The objective of the course is to make you a more effective negotiator. Topics to be covered include negotiation preparation, making an opening offer, creating and claiming value, and repeated negotiations. The class revolves around a set of negotiation simulations to practice the skills we learn. Simulations involve a variety of business situations such as negotiating price, hiring, mergers, financial transactions, and starting a new business venture. Prerequisite: ECON 2302. (3-0) Y