Interdisciplinary Studies-Arts and Humanities
ISAH 3130 Careers for Arts and Humanities Majors (1 semester credit hour) This course provides students with assistance in exploring careers in the arts and humanities and in making effective career decisions. (1-0) R
ISAH 3131 Careers for ATEC Majors (1 semester credit hour) This course provides students with assistance in exploring careers in arts and technology and in making effective career decisions. (1-0) R
ISAH 4V50 Internship (1-3 semester credit hours) Students undertake a new learning experience at a supervised work situation related to their academic interests. An internship provides exposure to a professional working environment, application of theory to working realities, and an opportunity to test skills and clarify goals. Course requirements include formal and reflective writing. Credit/No Credit only. May be repeated for credit (6 semester credit hours maximum). Instructor consent required. ([1-3]-0) R
ISAH 4V88 Special Interdisciplinary Topics in the Arts and Humanities (1-6 semester credit hours) May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). ([1-6]-0) R