HUMA 1301 (HUMA 1301) Exploration of the Humanities (3 semester credit hours) An introduction to the concept of cultural tradition through the study of selected works of literature, philosophy, music, and visual art. Emphasis on the relations among various forms of cultural expression and developing students' ability to interpret complex artistic works in their historical, cultural, and intellectual contexts. General education core course. (3-0) S
HUMA 3300 Reading and Writing Texts (3 semester credit hours) Focuses on a significant topic or issue through which students are offered an opportunity to gain experience in various analytic and interpretive approaches. Explores interdisciplinary connections among artistic and intellectual endeavors appropriate to a range of courses in the Arts and Humanities. This course will retain core notation for a transition period - see Please consult advisors for more detailed information. Prerequisite: (HUMA 1301 or equivalent) and RHET 1302. (3-0) S
HUMA 3342 Topics in the Humanities (3 semester credit hours) May be repeated for credit as topics vary (9 semester credit hours maximum). Prerequisite: HUMA 1301 or equivalent or instructor consent required. (3-0) R