UT Dallas 2020 Undergraduate Catalog
PHIL4331 - Philosophy and Poetry
PHIL 4331 Philosophy and Poetry (3 semester credit hours) This course will focus upon a philosophical reading of poetry that tries to grasp philosophy as a kind of poetic thinking. Texts will draw from poets who write in a philosophical register (such as Holderlin, Celan, Rilke, Trakl) as well as from philosophers whose aim is to offer a new kind of poetic thinking (such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Benjamin, Derrida, Blanchot). Interdisciplinary in focus and conceptual structure, the course will consider an approach to the philosophy of language attuned to translation theory, rhetoric, and social-political themes. Prerequisite: Any previous PHIL course or LIT 3314 or CRWT 3351. (3-0) R