UT Dallas 2018 Undergraduate Catalog

Naveen Jindal School of Management

Human Resource Management (BS)

Degree Requirements (120 semester credit hours)

Four-Year Degree Plan (Example)

This is an example only. Please see your advisor to develop your individual plan.

Fall Semester SCH Spring Semester SCH
040 Core Course 3 030 Core Course 3
BLAW 2301 Business and Public Law3 3 050 Core Course 3
MATH 1325 Applied Calculus I2 3 4 5 3 MATH 1326 Applied Calculus II2 3 4 5 3
HIST 1301 U.S. History Survey to Civil War2 3 HIST 1302 United States History Survey from the Civil War2 3
RHET 1302 Rhetoric2 3 COMM 1311 Survey of Oral and Technology-based Communication2 3
BA 1100 Business Basics1 6 1-2 OBHR 3100 Professional Development6 0-1
or OBHR 3200 Introduction to Business Professional Development and Business Communication6
UNIV 1010 Freshman Seminar1 0
16-17 15-16
Fall SemesterSCH Spring Semester SCH
030 Core Course 3 OBHR 3310 Organizational Behavior 3
ACCT 2301 Introductory Financial Accounting3 3 ACCT 2302 Introductory Management Accounting3 3
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics2 3 4 3 ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics2 3 4 3
GOVT 2305 American National Government2 3 GOVT 2306 State and Local Government2 3
OPRE 3333 Quantitative Business Analysis 3 OPRE 3360 Managerial Methods in Decision Making Under Uncertainty 3
15 15
Fall Semester SCH Spring Semester SCH
BCOM 3310 Business Communication 3 MKT 3300 Principles of Marketing 3
BLAW 3301 Business Communication 3 OBHR 4331 Compensation and Benefits Administration 3
FIN 3320 Business Finance 3 OBHR 4333 Performance Management 3
ITSS 3300 Information Technology for Business 3 OPRE 3310 Operations Management 3
OBHR 3330 Introduction to Human Resource Management 3 Upper Level Guided Elective8 9 3
or OBHR 4V90 Management Internship9 10
OBHR 4090 Management Internship9 10 0
UNIV 2020 Core Curriculum Assessment 0
15 15
Fall Semester SCH Spring Semester SCH
BCOM 4350 Advanced Business Communications 3 IMS 3310 International Business 3
BPS 4305 Strategic Management 3 OBHR 4354 Leading Organizational Change 3
OBHR 4334 Talent Acquisition and Management 3 OBHR 4360 Capstone in Organizational Behavior 3
OBHR 4335 Training and Development 3 Upper Level Guided Elective8 9 3
Free Elective7 3 Free Elective7 1
15 13
1 Incoming freshmen must enroll and complete requirements of UNIV 1010 and the corresponding school-related freshman seminar course. Students, including transfer students, who complete their core curriculum at UT Dallas must take UNIV 2020.
2 Curriculum Requirements can be fulfilled by other approved courses from institutions of higher education. The courses listed are recommended as the most efficient way to satisfy both Core Curriculum and Major Requirements at UT Dallas.
3 Indicates a prerequisite class to be completed before enrolling for upper-division classes.
4 A required Major course that also fulfills a Core Curriculum requirement. Semester credit hours are counted in Core Curriculum.
5 Students may elect to substitute MATH 2413 and MATH 2414 or MATH 2417 and MATH 2419.
6 JSOM freshmen are required to take BA 1100 and OBHR 3100. Transfer students and students new to JSOM are required to take OBHR 3200.
7 Free Electives: 4 semester credit hours are required for the B.S. in Human Resource Management
8 Human Resource Management Upper Level Electives: 6 semester credit hours from OBHR 4V90 or IMS 4330 or ITSS 4353 or OBHR 4300 or OBHR 4310 or OBHR 4336 or OBHR 4337 or OBHR 4338 or OBHR 4350 or OBHR 4352 or OBHR 4356
9 Internship (Practicum) required for all JSOM majors. OBHR 4090 Management Internship for 0 credit hours will fulfill degree requirement. OBHR 4V90 Management Internship for credit hours (1-3) can apply towards free or guided electives
10 OBHR 4090 Management Internship is required if not completing OBHR 4V90 Management Internship for Guided Elective credit
Be sure to check prerequisites of Level 2 courses
120 semester credit hours required for graduation
This plan is a resource tool only; it does not replace your degree plan or academic advising.
Updated: 2019-08-09 13:19:01 v3.3ffe20