UT Dallas 2012 Undergraduate Catalog
CLDP4375 - Honors Seminar
CLDP 4375 Honors Seminar (3 semester hours) A course for students enrolled in the Honors Program (minimum 3.500 GPA and 30 graded hours at UTD) who will conduct undergraduate thesis research in BBS. The seminar attempts to hone skills of critical thinking, creativity, and effective written and oral communication. By the end of the seminar, all students will have determined 1) a thesis approach, 2) a research question(s), and 3) a faculty sponsor and second reader. This course is required for students seeking BBS School Honors (see Honors Program Manual for more information). Permission of Director of the Honors Program required. Offered only in spring semester. (Same as CGS 4375 and NSC 4375 and PSY 4375 and SPAU 4375) (3-0) Y